The Joy Of Christmas

post one

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

-John 3:16


It is Christmas Eve. For a lot of people, today means different things. For me, it means having a house full of family, the Christmas tree shining brightly with lights and more wrapped presents appearing under the stiff branches (all the way to the couch!), the smell of food wafting through the house, and lots of laughter. Toss in some barking dogs, horses outside deciding they want to be mud pies, and some pizza – things are looking pretty wonderful.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, living room and indoor

I look around and see my family. My friends. My animals. My home. I feel joy and wonder and gratefulness and excitement in my heart. Why? Because Jesus has blessed me so, so much. Jesus has given me a family who is always there for me, and when I see them happy and make them laugh… I see a glimpse of what Jesus must feel when He looks at His children. And His children are us. All of us.

Christmas is a big hastle. Let’s be honest, everyone knows it. You have to buy presents – which means earning money – and then you have to wrap said presents. If you have a big family, this can turn into a fiasco rapidly (and does). For me, gift buying is rather insane because I feel like my family deserves a 5,000 acre ranch somewhere with everything money can buy – and all I have money for is some socks and candy. Obviously, I feel like my gifts don’t do justice.

Here’s the truth – none of our gifts do justice. None of our gifts will bring true happiness, nothing we do or give will fulfill anyone’s need for Jesus. Only Jesus can bring true joy and life! Our material gifts will pass away. Giving gifts is cool because you see the person’s face light up, hugs are given, and you feel truly excited because they’re happy, right? So, if we can feel such happiness over gifts we give each other… how much joy must we feel knowing Jesus Christ our Savior came to earth as a human baby to give us all the Greatest gift? Unimaginable, unreachable, insane joy we can’t even fathom!

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Christmas is the time of year where we celebrate Yeshua’s Gift. Now, Jesus wasn’t born during December and there are little things people argue about history wise – but honestly, those things shouldn’t always be what we focus on. We need to open our hearts to the Gospel – Jesus’ Love, not whether or not he was born in a barn. The truth is: Jesus was born as heaven’s perfect lamb. Jesus died for our sins – he was ridiculed, beaten, hurt and humiliated. Why? Why did Jesus, the perfect prince,Β  suffer all those things? Why did Jesus let Himself be harmed, while his mother and all the people he loved watched? Jesus did it for us. Me. you. Every stranger you ever see. Jesus died so that I could be here today: enjoying my family and being safe and warm.

Β Come now, and let us reason together, saith theΒ Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

-Isaiah 1:18


That is where the joy comes from. Joy is from Jesus. Christmas, full of family and gifts and joy – it is all about Jesus! And His Gift to us. None of us deserve it, we can’t earn it, we can’t match it… and yet, Yeshua Messiah loves us. How amazing is that?! And that’s what Christmas is about. It truly is. Christmas doesn’t have to be big and spectacular in gift giving or decorations – what matters is how we share the Gift and make Jesus have a home in our heart, so He may decorate our spirits.

God bless you all, and merry Christmas!


How is your Christmas Eve? What are your favorite Christmas movies? One Christmas song you have on repeat?


8 thoughts on “The Joy Of Christmas

  1. Lisa @ Inkwell says:

    Also, yeah, all the "true meaning of Christmas" may sound cliche at this time (;D), but you are so right, and it's really really worth thinking about it πŸ˜€

    Say a merry christmas to Angel and Eli and Asher for me lol

    1. Angela R. Watts says:

      And yep – folks may lose sight of Jesus because it’s every year the same ‘true meaning of Christmas’ – but it is so Greater than that! Jesus is Amazing!
      Will do! Asher said he’s wearing his ugly Christmas sweater and wanted to let you kow. πŸ˜‰ Haha!

  2. Kellyn Roth says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS ANG! We have our whole celebration on Christmas Eve and basically just … eat on Christmas Day. πŸ˜›

    1. Angela R. Watts says:

      Merry Christmas Kell!! =D *hug*
      Ahh gosh – both my parents used to do everything on Christmas Eve, but we do gifts on Christmas now… and eat FOOD today. ;D

  3. Faith Potts says:

    Wonderful reminder, Angela! <3 Thanks so much for taking part in the blog party again this year. Happy New Year!


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