Less than a year after publishing The Divided Nation, The Infidel Books #1, I am publishing the second installment. The Grim Alliance, The Infidel Books #2, is absolutely WILD and I cannot wait for y’all to have your hands on it. The Grim Alliance releases July 24th, 2020. That’s in TWENTY TWO DAYS! I cannot believe we’re here already!
Not only am I doing a blog tour for this dystopian thriller, but there’s a Instagram photo challenge and giveaway, too! I’ve got some BIG plans for this launch, y’all, and I need your help!
My blog tour launches July 24th (release day!) and ends on July 30th. You can sign up to join the launch below. I have limited author interviews and guest posts! And there’s some more surprises in store, too, but you’ll have to stay tuned for those…
As of right now, I am waiting for my proof copy of TGA to arrive. I might be losing my mind… But I’m keeping sane because WE GOT A NEW PUP.

Look at that face, y’all. Say hi to Dolly, our goldendoodle gal! She’s been my work buddy while I’m at home… Perfect company for writing newsletters and blog posts and the like. I’m sure she’ll be even better company when I get TGA and cry over it. Ha. Ha. Help me.
Anyway, I know the blog has been a bit dusty. I’ve been busy writing novels, but I have intentions of producing more blog content, as well. Of course, expect blog posts daily when the blog tour begins for my book baby!
One last request… The Divided Nation is at 15 reviews on Amazon. 15! That’s fabulous! My new goal is to hit 20 by July 24th… Think we can get there before release day? ♥ If you read and enjoyed The Divided Nation, please leave an Amazon review, and spread the word! It helps SO much.
God bless, and thanks for all your support!