Welcome to the launch for my Christian suspense novel, Seek! I am ecstatic for this tour because not only have I been working on Seek for over two years, but I have a lot of fantastic people joining me in the celebration. =)

Let’s get straight to the good stuff!







Angel Cutler’s routine life is overturned when local ganglord Viktor Marino tries to kidnap her. When she finds out her adopted sister is back in town and working with Viktor, Angel has to run away with the protection of two total strangers. Can Angel have faith in God to protect her family when she can’t?

Elijah Davis has seen Viktor bleed once, and to save his family, he’ll make it happen again. But who is the One Eli can turn to when he realizes he can’t protect his loved ones alone?

Hiding from gangsters and gunfire, the trio struggle to seek God above all else and trust that His plan is greater than their own. Or Viktor Marino’s.



Paperback is going to release but not yet. (Thanks, KDP) I will share the buy link as soon as I get it, lovelies!




Saturday, December 1st

Book Spotlight | Gracelyn Buckner, Literatura

Guest Post | Abigail Harder, Books, Life, And Christ

I had so much fun on this post, even though it might be a bit controversial among Christian authors. Be sure to check it out, and I’d love to hear what you think. =D

Book Review | Loretta, Just Writing




Writing a novel is a lot of work but one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Just like everything, writing a novel has to start somewhere. In this post, I’ll be sharing how I wrote my novel Seek. And I’ll try not to bog you down (ha!) but I do want to share bits of the journey… so grab some coffee, coco, or sweet tea, and let’s get this party started!

In 2016, when I was fifteen years old, the Lord gave me a dream. It was a crazy dream but in it, I met my main characters, and the basic plot was revealed to me. For Camp NaNoWriMo that July, prepped with my notebook full of messy notes and outlines I didn’t finish, I wrote. I spent lots of time writing outside in the sun and walking with our horses as I prayed that God guided me. That first draft was barely above 130 pages long, but I had won Camp and had my first ever completed novel! I didn’t let it go, and by December 2017 or so, I had draft two of Seek completed (it was a longer draft) and sent to beta readers. My alphas were helpful and encouraging, even if the doc was a mess. Around this time, God showed me He wanted me to publish Seek to help others.

Over the years it took me to write and finish Seek, my family underwent many painful situations with family and our ranch. I truly believe that the lessons I learned in my life strengthened the story of Seek over time. Writing the book was my therapy for working through my adopted sister’s abuse, and when I realized I could share that story to help others facing the pain I’d felt, I wanted to do just that.

Before September 2018, I finally finished the third and final draft of Seek. I had more experience with writing, so I tackled the plot holes and character motivations with everything I had. I also studied more information on my genre. The gangster and action stuff was lots of fun to research. I tried hard to make things realistic and not Hollywood, ha!

Once the draft was finished, I sent it to my betas. They were absolutely epic with their feedback, criticism, and encouragement! They caught inconsistencies that made me laugh out loud, too! Don’t ever think writing is boring, y’all… It can be hilarious what a writer can come up with when they are sleep deprived and drank too much—or too little—coffee! After I edited beta comments, Seek was sent to my amazing editor and after lots of hard work, it was finished

Now, in December 2018, after many prayers, Seek is published! And I can barely believe it! 



That’s the story of how God helped me write Seek… Now, I’ll share the giveaway!

1st Place: A signed paperback of Seek and a mug with a Scripture verse on it!

2nd Place: An ebook copy of Seek!





I’m so pumped for this blog tour — there is SO much fun in store and today was a fabulous kick-off! =D Thanks for stopping by. I’ll see you tomorrow!

Yay! GIF - HomeAlone MacaulayCulkin Kevin GIFs

God bless,

– Ang



  1. S. G. Willoughby

    YAY!!!!!! I’m so excited to read it, Angela, it sounds like it’s changed a lot since I first read it. 😀 So proud of you!!!!!!

  2. YIIPEEEE!!! So excited for you girl!

  3. Yayyy! This is going to be such a fun blog tour!! 😀
    My favorite thing about winter is staying warm and celebrating Christmas with my family! 😉

  4. Congratulations, Angela. Your novel, Seek sounds intriguing.

  5. Yay!!! Congratulations! This post is really encouraging to me because I am struggling to get a full-length novel written.

  6. Congrats on your novel getting published!! 😄 (And, by the way, my favorite thing about winter is the Christmas season 😉)

  7. Congrats on your release! My favorite thing about winter is we don’t have much of one in my part of Texas… *wink*

  8. Julia @Lit Aflame

    My favorite thing about Winter is the cold and Christmas! (and don’t forget the Christmas songs!)

  9. Pingback:SEEK, BLOG TOUR | DAY 5 | The Peculiar Messenger

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