I’m gonna list a lot of reasons to live in this post and I strongly encourage you to do the same. Whether you list some of your reasons in the comments, journal a list, or make your own blog post, never forget to take a moment and adore the tiny things.

Life is big but it takes a lot of little things to make it so. ♥



Eight O’Clock coffee at my grandparents house in North Carolina while I read my Bible at the counter top.

Singing to music, whether the music is silly or makes me cry.

My family gives reallyyy good hugs.

My mom going on adventures with me.

My chief karate instructor being super excited for my newest novel.

ANIMALS. My animals, other animals, just… AHH.

Late night conversations with friends are the bestest.


Challenges and goals. They make life interesting.

Weird surprises that make you gasp (like finding out one band shut down but started another!).

New song releases.

Seeing happy dogs while out in town. 

Funnel cakes during festival seasons.

Bringing a smile to a stranger’s face in the store.

To learn to do something new.

To see another sunset and another sunrise.

Saving the turtles who wander into the road.

Laughing over silly things till your stomach hurts.

Late night conversations with the stars.

Swimming in the summertime.

Making snow ice cream in the winter.

Driving down dusty roads.

Taking photos.

Learning new things and finding new hobbies.

Beautiful artwork.

Fields of flowers.

Going to Sonic for ice cream with my siblings and blasting music we barely know the lyrics to.

Meeting new people that will change your world.

Watching people be HAPPY and being happy with them.

Movie nights, alone or with friends.

Facing fears. (Or, in my case, facing frogs.)

Bonfires and s’mores.

Swinging on a swing set.

Buying gifts for people.

Praying for the souls who need God.

Being set free from myself by the Gospel of Jesus.



In the end… there are so many reasons to live. Maybe they seem big, maybe they seem small, but in truth, the very fact we are alive and breathing… We have a soul… a mind… a heart… we have a reason to live and that is because we exist in the first place. God breathed air into our lungs and put us together in our mother’s womb. That’s enough to keep going. God loved us from the start, that’s a gift, and there’s beauty in the path that follows.

So don’t give up. Even if you feel alone, insignificant, or rejected. Maybe you feel like a burden or that maybe no one knows your pain, or your pain is nothing “compared” to someone else’s pain… No reason we could make up in our head is a good reason to end our own life.

So own your dash. Own your semi colon. Own your reasons to live. Seek them out. There are countless testimonies of precious lives who almost chose suicide… and by a miracle, they didn’t, and didn’t regret choosing life. You won’t regret living. If you’re not sure where to start, talk to a friend, a family member, a pastor, or contact a suicide hotline. You’re loved and you are worth the fight. Never be ashamed to seek help.

Big thanks to Faith Potts and Kaitlyn Krispense for publishing their novels that deal with the topic of suicide. Check their blogs out and give them some love. They started this #13RW tour and it’s been incredible.

Also, for those struggling, I have a short story for you. ♥ Homeward is right here for you.

God bless and I am always here,



8 thoughts on “REASONS TO LIVE | 13RW TOUR

  1. Kaitlyn Krispense says:

    Yes, yes, yessssss, girl. Wow, yes. Thank you so much for posting this. <3

  2. Caitlyn says:

    Thank you for this!! No life should be taken away by suicide!


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