December approaches, and with it, a milestone. I have blogged on The Peculiar Messenger for five years. For five years, I have blessed y’all with my presence.

Image result for scoff gif

Quit scoffing!

Anyway, in 2016, I did a Q&A video (ft. my sis) and in honor of my blogivarsary and the launch of Seek, I’m doing another! Fun, yes? Well, it won’t be fun without questions! *dramatic Batman voice* I need your questions, friend. And I need them all. 

As usual, keep the questions clean and whatnot, but ask me about anything. 😉 I’m excited (if not… scared, lol) to do this video… Which will release sometime during Seek‘s blog tour (December 1st-7th)!

So, go forth! Question me! Tie me up and toss me off the ship if I don’t answer correctly! Or stick my hand in a blender! (No, I haven’t watch The Goonies lately)

God bless,




12 thoughts on “QUESTION ME!

  1. Julia says:

    Congrats on 5 years! That’s quite the accomplishment! Here are some questions for you:

    -What would you say kept you going with your blog THE MOST after all this time?
    -Describe Seek in three words.
    -Where do you hope your writing will go in the future?
    -And your blog?
    -Besides writing (and reading) what is your favorite thing to do?

  2. Faith Potts says:

    Left a question on FB, but here’s another I just thought of… What’s Seek’s aesthetic?

    A million congrats to you, for your blogiversary and book release! <3

  3. Abigail Harder says:

    Congratulations on 5 years of blogging, Angela!! Here are a few questions:
    -What are some of your favorite books and/or series
    -How did you come up with the idea for Seek?
    -What is your favorite Bible verse(s)?

  4. Molly Anne says:

    Congrats on 5 years of blogging! You’re becoming a pro at it. 😉
    Here is a question: In Seek, are any of the other characters based on your family members or people you know?

  5. Parker Hankins says:

    Wow!! That’s awesome!! Blogging for FIVE years is a wonderful accomplishment!

    When did you start blogging?
    What’s your favorite quote?
    What is the worst book you’ve read?
    Have you ever one a short story contest?
    How did you go about publishing?

  6. Penny Wood says:

    Congrats!!!!! 5 years is awesome!!!!
    Heeeeeeeerrreeee are some questions!!!

    1. When did you start writing?
    2. How do you find inspiration for your stories?
    3. If you had one million dollars, how would you spend it?
    4. If you had one million dollars but COULDN’T spend it on yourself, how would you spend it?
    5. What do you want to be doing in the next five years??


  7. God's Warrior says:

    First off, Congratulations on 5 years of blogging.

    I do have some questions.
    1). What inspires you to write the stories you do?

    2). What’s one thing that you think Christian bloggers should focus on OUTSIDE of numbers, stats, etc…

  8. S. G. Willoughby says:

    What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? (It’s an important question XD)
    Are there any bloggers or authors who inspired you when you first started your blog?
    What are the craziest spam comments you’ve gotten?
    What are three things on your bucket list?


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