Nighttime Rambles, Art, And- THE DEBATE IS ON

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. Now, I may not be the biggest football fan (or sports fan in general, save a few), and I forget which team we’re rooting for about every 6 minutes; but alas! We have FOOD yo! Chips, stuff to make cheese dip (ew…XD)(My Ma rocks though, I have good ol’ ranch dip!), wings and hot sauce… So as far as that goes, I’m not complaining at all. ;D

I don’t even know who’s playing this year. XD And I get colors all mixed up. But it is funny what’s not funny about the coach slapping the team’s butts? Let’s be honest it kills meΒ  to see all of them like go ‘grrr’ and then tumble. xD

Anywho! I haven’t been up to a whole ton… Sorry, scratch that, reverse it. We have all been pretty busy and stuff! πŸ™‚ I know I’ve been posting a lot of pictures and updates about the ranch and the horses, etc. But I haven’t really sat down and just kinda rambled or talked here. XD I have like mini plans and ideas for writings for this nook; about characters, about the Bible, inspiration, music: And I sit here… And my brain loses all thoughts of post worthy subjects. XD
I really do want to get some of my ideas and stuff in my head, on here. πŸ™‚ Whatever it ends up being, haha. Whether a ramble about how much I hate mainstream female characters, or maybe a ramble about the Bible verses that mean a lot to me lately. God only knows. πŸ™‚

There’s so much going on in my head, and I wish I could get it all out on my special little Evernote screen: but the truth is, I am so busy anymore.

We’ve been super busy. The normal everyday things are accompanied with other, new things. We now have 10 horses; and, very soon, more babies to come. We have tons of fencing to do, and we still also have to work the horsies (I think Reyna has ruined me… XD) too.

School and house work is been needed to be finished as soon as possible; and honestly, I’ve gotten into that swing. Actually, school hasn’t been too bad. At all. XD I like getting it done right and everything; and some days take longer than others, but my books and stuff are pretty nice. ;D But house-chores are plenty, and need to be done. We now have a chart so everyone can pitch in. XD Anymore, the only downside I find overall with house stuff is; I don’t get ‘home alone’ (OK not technically always alone alone, but whatever XD) time where I can blare and sing along to my music. XD I hook up my laptop to the TV, turn on Twenty One Pilots, and SING. I never really just stand and dance around in the living room (Which is a goal, lol),but I spend the time cleaning. But that’s cool because I can then turn the water faucet on and off to the lyrics’ tones… ;D

But we have been really busy. Really, the only me time I get is like after dinner. And I sit down, music in, and pretty much just chill out. That’s my me time.

However; the last few nights have been pretty sweet. XD

I picked up a minifiction! FOR NOW, that’s my word for ‘fanfiction’. Because fanfiction sound really stupid and silly… I know IIIIII probably sound like the stupid and silly one saying that, but… MOVING ON.

Its called ‘Hear Me Silently’, of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 2003. Same As It Never Was, as a matter of fact. (SAINW is a ’03 episode! And one of my favorite things ever. I am in love with writing junk spun off of that episode) Surprised? ;D Really though; Kody and I have been watching a few more 2003 episodes (mainly because we just got our TV working again lol) and I AM FALLING IN LOVE.


This dimension is fantastic. 2003 is seriously just amazing. For me, its better than 2012. (Shocker… haha) I mean, that doesn’t do it any justice; ’12 has NOTHING on ’03. Nothin’. It doesn’t compare.

The more time goes on, the more dimensions I love, the less 2012 is. I’m not saying, of course, no one else can like it haha. I was in love with it when I first found it; it was the dimension that got me into TMNT.

But… And if you love ’12, please don’t take this as I’m tryin’ to hurt or offend or anything. This is just me.

But 2012 is really nothing. I know that sounds super dang harsh. But there’s nothing there.

I automatically compare and contrast it from other dimensions, but here I am not.

’12 TMNT has no depth. There truly is no depth in the show. The routes you’d think would be deep and HURT; are just flicking an imaginary surface, demanding a screaming fit for about 5 minutes, and suddenly all that was a problem is nonexistent. There’s no true emotion in the show. Sometimes, there is. We see glimpses of good writing. But the next second, a lesson we thought was learned straight off, is burnt and one of the turtles has ACTUALLY not learned ANYTHING at all.

I am gonna write a separate post, but for now; 2003 is earning my earnest love and respect. XD

ANYWAY: I don’t have 80 hours in the day of extra time to write. But that’s really OK for me. I’ve kinda of learned my hit-the-story drives (aka, time I sit down and actually write) are actually at night. XD I’m sort of a night owl, I guess. And though you can only keep your eyes awake for so long at 11:40 PM; I managed. πŸ˜‰

But I really like writing at night. The only things I don’t like is that when I sit down, I become oblivious to everything else going on. I kinda don’t like missing out on the nighttime life around me.

However; this is the best time for me to write. Really, that’s when most of the junk I type up is from: when its dark my brain dies. XD I KNOW that sounds bad, I think it sounds funny; but its no a complete joke. Really. I unwind, and I listen to music; and though ideas float and pound in my head all day (and I daydream scenarios), nighttime is my time to write. My brain is free to do whatever the story says to do. I had no plot this morning, and a bunch of junk ideas, but when I sat down, these characters just did without me doing it for them.

This is the time for my head not to be so doubtful. I don’t overthink. I just kinda go in the shadows of my worlds and watch this crap play out as I write it all down.

Nighttime is my me time; so basically, not even with just writing; my head is let lose (which is… messy) and I go with the flow. I am sucked into some world of mine

(I am laughing because I literally finished that last sentence, looked up, and the Republican GOP debate was on and I left the table XD Donald Trump first.)

(OK I’m back-ish. Laughed my head off at Jeb Bush, for trying desperately, but getting owned by Trump. Top quality TV.)

Anyway: I have plenty of books I am entering, some just starting and some making new drafts. πŸ™‚ I really get sad and frustrated when I see people complain about writing all the time; like all they talk about is ‘writing is so hard’ and ‘editing is hard!’- I hate seeing people babble only on how hard it is. I mean, why focus on the struggles like that?

Am I saying writing isn’t hard? Nah, but I don’t want to look at it like that. I really can’t anymore. Sure, I hit walls. I overthink the next move, or a title for my book, etc; but I refuse to dwell on whether its hard. I see the mainstream stuff just praise how hard writing is. It makes me wanna hit something.

REALLY I gotta save all this for a writing post or somethin’, lol! πŸ˜‰

During dinner tonight, I doodled this girl!

A blurry bow close up XDΒ 
Nice side view

Lol, maybe I’ll make a character like her one day. πŸ˜‰ She’s super cute lol: And I did her hair too short, so Ma said, ‘make a bun!’ so I added a bow! πŸ˜€ I like bows haha. πŸ˜‰

I am in the drawing mood now. XD

ALSO, a few months ago, I did a portrait of Kody!


Thank you Kody, for ‘trying’ to be still. ;D It was so fun to do! I used oil pastels, which are so fun and nice, but I am still playin’ and learnin’ with them! πŸ˜€ I am really proud of this one. Everyone was blown away when they first saw it; and recognized who it was. XD πŸ˜€

Welpers. XD I really want to whip up some more rants. πŸ˜‰ Like, focused, purposed rants. XD Prayerfully, aha…

I gotta go upload pictures. And probably NOT draw or write…. πŸ˜‰

God bless.


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