
Hello all! I am here today to tell you ALL about this May. The month of May is Lyme Disease Awareness month. It is not as big of a deal as it should be, and we are here to change that!

Maybe you have a family member or a friend who has Lyme Disease. Often, people with Lyme Disease are misdiagnosed. If you know about Lyme Disease, you probably know how awful it is- and sadly, how little people actually know about it.

That is why this May, we all need to stand up and get our voices heard!
Don’t have a loved one with Lyme, but you still are interested in being a voice for those who do have it? Amazing! Everyone and anyone, please read on to learn how to be a voice.

Slice Of Lyme, a Youtube channel and Facebook page, is doing a LYME DISEASE CHALLENGE! It is very easy and fun to participate in, y’all! The challenge: answer two questions about Lyme disease (and you DO NOT have to have Lyme disease to do any of this!), and then… Get pied in the face! Spread the word by challenging at least two other people to get pied and share the awareness!

Please watch THIS VIDEO to get the whole details and challenge! And, it’d be cool if you spread that video on your social media, for starts. 🙂

My family and I have already sent our videos in. Finding Slice Of Lyme has been a great thing for my Mother…. My Ma has had Chronic Lyme Disease for 2 years, at least. Recently, it has taken a bad turn, with episodes of extreme pain, fatigue, and dizziness. Even more recently, we have taken a turn for more natural remedies. Right now, Ma is on an herbalist’s protocol to get rid of the Lyme. We are praying God heals her.

But my Ma is not the only one. And neither are you.

Lyme Disease is a MUCH bigger problem than anyone lets on. It’s bad. It’s hard. It is evil. And for the people who have Lyme…it can be so hard to fight. To have a voice.

I am challenging all of you, to take a stand. Please. You have a voice. Be a voice for the one’s with Lyme who can barely take each day at a time…. this May, spread awareness for Lyme disease!

The video challenge, with the pie, is so fun to do and easy! I encourage each of you who are following me (Yes, YOU! YOU!) to participate! Tell your friends. You don’t have to have Lyme to do the challenge. The challenge is to spread the awareness of Lyme disease.

Lyme Disease is a real thing. It is a bad thing. It was hard for me to answer the questions, for our video… because I had to look back at what Lyme had done to my Ma, to my family. My Ma cannot drive anymore (she is too dizzy/weal). She can’t do simple, little things she used to do. We can’t go shopping for books or clothes. She can’t eat her favorite foods anymore. She can’t walk outside to visit the horses as easily anymore. Going to town is a hard trip to take. Life has changed drastically these few years she had been ill…. the only thing that has gotten us all by, is the LORD.
And for me, this month of May, is a time to share the fact the Lyme may be so, so hard… but God is with us. God can heal us all. Nothing is too difficult for Yahweh.

I know life is busy. But it would mean so much to all of us, with or without Lyme, if people would do this little video, and spread the word. Because Lyme does not win. God wins. We win.


God bless you all! I really pray you do this video, and share it with others. It means a lot. Bless you, thank you!

-Angela Watts

Do you have a loved one who has Lyme Disease? Will YOU take the CHALLENGE?!

7 thoughts on “Lyme Disease PIE CHALLENGE!

  1. Leah C. says:

    Wow I had no idea this was a thing. My Dad has Lyme disease. He doesn’t really talk about it, but I know he was really bad for a while, then several years ago he did a ton of fasting, which I know helped him a lot. It’s kinda scary though. I will pray for your mom!

    1. Angela R. Watts says:

      Thank you very much, Leah! It is a very scary thing, and very real. It affects every person different, so it can be hard to target and talk about… But it is amazing your Dad is going well!

  2. Sara says:

    Awesome post! I hope that this Kill Lyme Pie challenge goes wonderfully! I hope I can participate!

    1. Angela R. Watts says:

      Thanks, Sara! And I hope you can, too! 😀 Also, if you can’t get pied because of the food allergies, you could probably pie someone else and still do it, I think.


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