Gone Fishing! And a BIG Surprise!

truck post

A few weeks ago, my family and I went to a near by pond to fish! The pond was at a place that used to be a camp site/horse trails, and Tory and Roger used to work there. It isn’t a camp anymore, but a friend let us use the pond for a day on the weekend!

We packed up, and set off! The drive there was beautiful; curvy, winding roads in the middle of nowhere, hills, pine trees and brown trees just starting to bud with green. When we reached the cabins, we started unbuckling and looking around. We got down to the actually grounds, and there rested the pond! There was this little ‘hill’, so the pond rested where you could actually barely see it from the parking spot at the foot of it. Anyway.

We were all in bright moods! We got our fishing poles together, and looked over our bait. Well, Kody and I had gone down to our creek, hunting for crawdads. We were going to use them to fish with. However, they didn’t get much- one fish bit at my first crawdad, but after that, nothing. So, we used worms from then on out! The corn and fake fish thingies didn’t do much, either.

I didn’t get pictures of Kody and I’s ‘expedition’ to get crawdads. Kody caught 15 of the suckers. And he caught a newt for me. I named the lil’ guy Newton. We let Newton go, though.

Granny (Ma) and Laney Little! Laney ate strawberries and bananas, ha.
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A daddy and his girl. 😉
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Kody the fisherman!
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Dad baiting my hook

This fishing trip was amazing! REY CAUGHT HER FIRST FISH!!

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Rey and Papaw reeling in the fish!!
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She was soo happy, it was great. ♥ And, it was Kody and I’s first catch, too! I caught 5 fish in total. And, I unhooked and carried my last fish all by myself! Awesome. He was small enough for me to grab- but he did prick me big time. It was fun! Roger caught the biggest one- the large mouth bass! Dad, Kody, and I caught some bass, too. It was mostly perch and brim. 🙂


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My Dad is the strongest, smartest, funniest guy ever. His love is incredible. We all love him to bits.

We all laughed, talked, and just enjoyed the silence. It was so quiet there. A pair of geese came and hung out on the other side of the pond. Ma came up and sat on the grass with me. That’s where I caught my first fish, and at that point, we found that the side of the pond closest to the trees was getting shade. The fish really bit after that!

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GOD IS GOOD! This is the first really good picture of a bald eagle I’ve ever taken! 🙂 I was so happy. It wasn’t really windy that day, so the eagle flew super high, and didn’t wobble about. And we heard him call!

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)


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It looks like a tracker on this guy… hm!

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The day was wonderful. We all had a great time. It was beautiful. We finally packed up and made home with our catch. 🙂


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The fish big enough to eat! YUM!
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Tory filleted/scaled/etc all of the fish! =D
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Papaw and Laney, Roger and Rey. The girls were tuckered out.

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You can also watch this little video I got of Laney when we were watching sissy scale. It is pretty bad quality but I tried to capture her silliness. 😉 Basically, if you ask Laney a question, her answer is “YES”. =D



And, also this month…. Gotta say, folks, March has been a pretty nice month…

MY FAMILY SURPRISED ME WITH A TRUCK!!!! A TRUCK!! AN AMAZING ’69 FORD!!! I am seriously SOOO blown away and ecstatic! I cannot thank my awesome family enough… THANK YOU GUYS!! =D It is exactly what I wanted! We started working on it today, too! Thank you Lord for my family.


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I cannot thank my whole family enough!
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It is in really great condition. The guy had it in his garage for 11 years, so it’s very clean. We are going to clean it and replace some parts to make it run! We want to get it super nice and dependable, so for when we move. 🙂

I am so excited to work on it with my Dad and family! I’ve wanted to get a truck that we can do together- and IT HAPPENED! We already started working on it, and we’re getting some parts soon. Praise the Lord!

Of course, I’m loving taking photos with it! =D I’m also going to make it the cover for my book Seek. SO! I’m studying for my driver’s permit, and I’m not too stressed anymore. 😉 Praying and studying!

Like I said, March has been pretty nice. 😉 It’s also been rough, too. Mama has Chronic Lyme Disease- and she’s been having more frequent ‘episodes’ of extreme pain. It’s difficult. However, the month of May is Lyme Disease Awareness, and Charissa at Slice Of Lyme is doing a challenge! You don’t have to have Lyme disease to particapate. Please help me spread the word! Watch the video of the Lyme Disease Challenge HERE! KILL LYME PIE CHALLENGE

Basically, whether you’re ill or not, you can do the pie challenge and spread the word. Thank you all so much! So, that’s what we’ve been up to. We’re taking videos and I am trying to learn how to edit them together on Youtube. Wish me luck. Please. ;D It’s tricky.

It’s really fun taking the videos of everyone. 🙂 I’m going to work on compiling them for our Youtube channel, too. 🙂 I have been taking videos of everyday life for us, and how it goes sometimes with Ma and Lyme…. when we went to Lowe’s this week, the first time went bad. Ma had an episode, and we had to go home. I got videos of that day, but don’t like rewatching them much. Anyway- we went to Lowe’s again yesterday, and it went better! Praise God. Ma did well. So, we did get the tools Dad needed, and we all just enjoyed ourselves.

I can’t share the videos I got, though. 😉 Not yet. But here are pictures.


Well, I guess that’s all, folks! 🙂 We’re all doing fine. Busy videoing and everything.

God bless!


Have you ever fished before (did you catch anything)? Do you have a loved one with Lyme Disease? Will YOU take the challenge? AND WHO ELSE IS EXCITED ABOUT MY FORD?! =D

33 thoughts on “Gone Fishing! And a BIG Surprise!

  1. Sarah says:

    awesome truck! We used to have one just like it…..unfortunately we sold it. 🙁 But that means I get to drive my dad’s truck! Yay!

  2. Kellyn Roth says:

    Oh, wow! That’s so awesome! And that’s a good-looking truck, too. 🙂

    Have you ever fished before (did you catch anything)?: yes, but no. XD I’m not a very good fisherman, er, woman. 😉
    Do you have a loved one with Lyme Disease?: no, I don’t. I’ll be praying for your mom!

    1. Angela R. Watts says:

      Thank you Kell! =D It really is… 😉
      Oh gosh, ha! Yeah, I’ve gone fishing, but hadn’t caught anything… this time was a big change, ha!
      I am relieved to hear that, and thank you tons for praying!

  3. Simply Megan Joy says:

    I know that I’m not ever supposed to be jealous of what other’s have, but……I’m really jealous of your truck! My sister and I want a truck so badly, but our Grandfather’s 1950s Chevy truck was already promised to our brother! And the tractor was given to my sister! Wait a minute. This doesn’t sound fair! Now I’m really jealous! Maybe I’ll asked for the Model A?
    Anyway, you have a really nice truck and I hope you are able to fix it soon and have lots of fun with it!
    – Megan Joy

      1. Simply Megan Joy says:

        I really love the classic 1948 chevy, but I also like the Fords from the 1970s! I love all old cars (as long as they’re not chopped hotrods, because those don’t count)!
        – Megan Joy

  4. Seneca says:

    Wow, Angela! That is such an amazing gift!!! My mom’s sister was paralyzed for a year with Lymes disease, but, thank God, is almost completely recovered. the muscles on the left side of her face still don’t work properly, but no one notices but her 🙂

    I’ll definitely go check out the challenge.

    1. Angela R. Watts says:

      Thank you, Seneca!
      Oh wow, thank the Lord for that! May I email you and ask how your Aunt is healing? Thanks for sharing! And yes, it would be amazing if you will! The lady doing the challenge, Charissa, is very sweet, and very interested for younger people (teens) to get involved. 🙂 ♥

      1. Seneca says:

        Feel free to email me! It was a long time ago, and she’s pretty much completely healed. Lymes takes many different forms 🙂

        1. Angela R. Watts says:

          That it does! Lyme does something different to everyone, and thus, it takes something different to heal for everyone… it is such a tricky form of evil. :/ But God is more powerful! 🙂


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