Beautiful August Beginnings

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(Sorry, ignore that bit up there… Trying to claim my blog on Bloglovin’, haha…)

We step into August! It’s still hot and humid and muggy- and stormy. But it’s slacked up slightly… August seems to be the month between heat and chilliness… Or maybe I’m just a bit excited for fall? πŸ˜‰

School for the Watts family (that’s us! lol) begins in a week! I’m actually looking forward to school (I say this every year.. lol!), though this summer was quite relaxed (to the point it was, for me, unlike any summer before…) and though events happened, it was a good, God given summer! πŸ™‚ School this year is going to be different than usual, but we’re excited! The lay out is flexible and works for our needs. We’ll be learning a ton so I’m reallly happy. =D

This summer really… It just is weird sometimes, I suppose. We’ll never have this summer again. We’ll never be in this exact stage of life again. Life keeps moving, the Dark keeps trying to destroy, and the Light is always a fortress and always wins… I can’t quite begin, but every time I start to think about the future, I know that Yeshua knows my path. I pray I step with Him; His Way, His Light I follow. Life is a gift, and wherever HE leads me… I’ll follow.

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Laney ‘Liddle’ β™₯
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Reyna learned how to ride her bike!! πŸ˜€
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She saw me taking the photo and… Posed.. xD
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Kody has been painting fences. πŸ™‚
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LOOK AT THIS CUCUMBER THAT CAME FROM OUR GARDEN!!!! It was a little over 10 inches… I was SOOO HAPPY. xD It is so big omword.

We’ve been sooo super busy… And lots more to do. But again, we pray and take it step by step, so we don’t get overwhelmed or anything… We trust Yahweh to lead us and His will be done. β™₯


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Ma and Matoska β™₯
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Reyna petting Ceremony! Ceremony is an amazing boy.
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Rey petting Matoska πŸ˜€
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Matoska and I

Fawn is doing OK… We’ve been unsure on how she’s been healing, it seems something would come up (she messed with her wound, the stitches came out…) but we keep praying and trust Yeshua to heal her. β™₯

Fawn… ready for dinner. πŸ˜‰

ALSO! I’ve prettied up all of my pages… All of the Triple S ranch pages are updated (with our horses and photos…), and yep; the other pages are updated. πŸ™‚ I’m just adding another SSS page, for our baby horses, and it’s set! πŸ˜€ Be sure to check out the pages!

Well… That’s all for now! πŸ™‚ God bless.



  1. Good luck with starting school! We don’t until September! <3 πŸ˜‰

  2. Love the pictures, Angela! Awww, sweet girls. ☺️

  3. What beautiful pictures Angela! We’re starting next week as well, if you don’t mind me asking, what grade are you going into?

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