Yahweh’s Blessed New Soul! (Hello Dear Little Delaney!)

I am very happy, excited, and BLESSED to say that on the 11th of December, at 3:19 AM, the Creator gifted us a precious new baby; Delaney Sage Rose Combs! The past 2 days have been pretty rough. On the 10th, Tory and Roger went to the hospital because Tory’s water had broken. Things didn’t …

Hoof Prints On Hearts, From Yahweh (Beginning Of A Journey With God)

For the past few months, my life has taken lots of turns- all of them, I find, for the better. We’ve had lots of things going on, changes, work- all of it with a different set of goals and attitudes. I haven’t explained or anything, and I sort of apologize because that’s frustrating, I know; …