We are ending 2022 with a bang!

I am so excited to have Erudessa Gentian on my blog. She is an incredible author, and friend! Let’s dive in…

A: To kick us off, why don’t you tell us about yourself?

E: Hello! I’m Erudessa Gentian, lover of the arts. I’ve been writing professionally for a few years now. While I tend to wander through different genres depending on what I’m in the mood for, I currently specialize in fantasy and science fiction.

A: All right! Let’s get into the interview… Why did you start writing?

E: It started as a cathartic way for me to process life lessons. Add in my overactive imagination, and it’s not a big surprise it snowballed into something bigger.

A: What was your biggest shock throughout your writing journey?

E: I knew marketing was a weak point for me, but I was surprised at just how much work it is.

A: Are you independently published or traditionally published–and why did you choose the route that you did?

E: Technically I’m a hybrid, since I’ve got a couple short stories with publishers, but I’m mostly independent. I’m open to looking at traditional, but I like the control I have with indie publishing. While it’s a ton of work, I know that nobody is going to twist my work into something it was never meant to be. Or hold it back for any reason.

A: What was the funnest part of writing Finding Home? What was the most difficult?

E: The most difficult part is almost always finishing a first draft. For some reason, that’s hard for me. Once I’ve got something to work with, the editing is fairly easy. The funnest part of writing Finding Home was probably the scenes with Sterling and his cat Roufus, or Roufus and the tiger cub Snowy. Sterling was a dog person through and through until Roufus. Roufus acts like a jaded old man around Snowy, who just wants to play with him all day.
Finding Home features some very strong sibling relationships.

A: Do you have personal experience with sibling relationships? Why do you think it’s important to highlight this type of relationship that is oftentimes overlooked in fiction?

E: I’ve got three sisters, several brothers and sisters by marriage, and lots of unofficially adopted siblings. Love them all. In this day and age, the value of family is often trampled on, and I think that is a fast way to destroy any civilization.

A: Finding Home features some very cool animals! If you could have any animal in the world as a (friendly) pet, what animal would you choose?

E: Oh no! I’m not sure I can choose. It tends to change every day…there are so many amazing animals!

A: What message do you hope readers find when they finish reading Finding Home?

E: There are many themes/messages throughout the story. Some big ones would include: fight for your family; healing takes time, and that’s okay; don’t let your passion for a legacy blind you to what you should be doing.

A: What book(s) can readers expect from you next?

E: Epoch 3 of the Saga will be coming, I just don’t have a projected launch date yet. I’ve got several short stories I’m planning on publishing next year, and I’m going to focus on getting some audiobooks recorded!

A: If you could tell aspiring writers one thing, what would it be?

E: Get used to criticism and rejection. It’s going to sting, and that’s okay. Take your time to hurt, learn what you can, but DON’T let it freeze you up. Someone needs your story, so write for them (and you). You’ll never please everyone. Not even chocolate does.

A: Where can readers follow you for more bookish news?

E: The easiest ways to look me up are my website: (for everything I offer, including stories, blog, music, and merchandise); newsletter: (for exclusive goodies, discounts, the occasional update on projects, sneak peeks, and more!); my Facebook group: Erudessa’s Eclectic Wanderings (for behind the scenes action, helping me make decisions about world-building, sneak peeks, and more!).You can also find all my stories on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, and most major retailers!

And before we go, I want to spotlight Erudessa’s latest release. I loved this book so much! If you haven’t dived into her series yet, now is the time! Hit the link above to snag your copy.

Continue the Saga!

Sterling and Larkspur Bei Kynaston are launching a rescue for their brainwashed older brother, but they’ll need some help.

As friends and family rally around them, Lark helps build a top-secret unit of Element Wielders, while Sterling tries to navigate the maze of blank spots interrupting a tornado of memories he’s not always sure are real.

When their carefully laid plans are literally blown up in their faces, they both have to deal with traumas from the past endangering their new home.

Does this series sound epic or what?

HUGE thanks to Erudessa for letting me feature her today! I love chatting with you!

Have a blessed 2023, y’all!


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