UNTITLED, a WWII novella by Jesseca Wheaton, is officially released into the world. I am so proud of my friend Jesseca and I absolutely adore the book–check out my review on Amazon or here!

It is the season (CHRISTMAS TIME, FOLKS) so if you have a bookworm in your life, somebody who loves thought-provoking themes, WWII historical fiction, and amazing writing prose–UNTITLED is on Amazon. Be sure to snag a copy and gift it to the historical fiction lover in your life, or the reader obsessed with bittersweet stories (a reader like me)!

If you’ve read UNTITLED, don’t forget to review it on Amazon! Actually, this goes for any book, Indie or trad. Reviews really help authors! You can leave a short review or a long one, but if you enjoy a book, Amazon reviews are gold!

This post will have a wrap up of the book, the blog tour, AND who won the epic giveaway!


Okinawa, 1945

Two brothers. Two Separate Paths.

A Navy corpsman assigned to the Marines, Jess Walker’s world is shaken as he struggles to aid the men around him. But the battlefield isn’t his hardest challenge. The nagging memory of how he lost his brother weighs on him, serving as a constant reminder of his failure. War has no mercy for anyone and Jess isn’t sure he can survive the war inside. As his world comes crashing down around him, he struggles to believe there is a future beyond the pain. 

Clay Walker has moved on from the life he once lived. A successful Marine pilot, he wants nothing to do with his family and the God he left behind. Japan is on the brink of surrender when his unit is shipped off to Okinawa, and it’s there that Clay is forced to realize his past is not as deeply buried as he thought. Faced with heavy losses and questions without answers, Clay has a choice to make. Is he willing to step back and let God take the controls? Or is it too late for a second chance? 

As WWII rages, the two brothers must face their demons — or be lost to the burning world around them.



Jesseca is a daughter, sister, and a child of God. When she’s not busy at her full time job as a first responder, her days are spent reading, spending time with siblings, watching movies that make her cry, and playing piano. Oh, and writing, of course! At an early age words fascinated her, and her love for the printed page has only grown. She lives with her parents and seven siblings in the sunny state of Kansas, and she’s convinced there’s no place like home.





Angela Watts | Blog Tour Introduction

Michaela Bush | Author Interview 


Kaitlyn Krispense | Book Review


Angela Watts | Book Review


Katja Labonté | Book Review


Libby May | Book Review + Author Interview

Abigail Harris | Book Review

Faith Potts | Book Review


Kassie Angle | Book Review


Joshua Reid | Guest Post


Natalie Claire | Book Review

Angela Watts | Blog Tour Wrap Up

Yes, this post is a day late, but I realized the giveaway didn’t end till THIS morning’s 12 AM. My bad.


The winner of the giveaway is…



Can I be real for a second? Hosting this blog tour was fun. But I also really needed it. I needed the constant reminder of UNTITLED itself–so I could remember the lessons and themes in the novel… and continue to apply them to my own life. Or, try to, anyway.

Because in many ways, I suppose this is one of my fears. I think it’s normal for everyone to want to be remembered. I don’t care if I’m remembered… but I want to make a mark. I want to make a difference. I want to do God’s will. I work for these things. So hard, y’all. But when I go to bed, I still wonder… I still ache inside… I still struggle.

And between remembering this book and talking with the dear author… I was reminded that yes, God is in control. But God is not waiting at the finish line for you to bag up your emotions and struggles and meet Him there. God is right there with you. How often do we forget the verse “Jesus wept”? Often.

UNTITLED deals with these very struggles. It shows the rawness of life, the pain of our struggles… and how God is right there with us. Yes, He can heal us. But He’s there in the grieving, in the pain, in the unknown. He loves us, and love isn’t just stepping aside when things get bad. It isn’t fixing everything like a fairy godfather, either.

If you struggle like I do, please, give UNTITLED a read. Give Jesseca a follow. Know that you are loved, and that every single life has a purpose, and no purpose is “greater” or “smaller” in God’s eyes.

God bless,


One Comment

  1. YAY! Thank you so much! I’m so excited!

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