These Ropes


These ropes that bound me

Are way too tight

These ropes that hold me

I cannot fight

These ropes that suffocate me

I want to leave

But these thorny ropes they trap me

In helplessness I grieve

These ropes they tear at my heart and flesh

I scream, cry, and call

These ropes hear not, nor the people

Down, down, down I fall

These ropes do not loosen their binds on my body and heart

I see darkness all around here

These ropes still bind my bloody self

Does anyone care or hear

These ropes are tightening on my insides and outsides

I hurt with the words others have spoken

These ropes exist from the words others have said

I wish I was not so broken

These webbed ropes seem never to cease their clad

I wonder if those people know how I flushed

These ropes they cast on me are too much

I feel as if I am being crushed

These ropes do not have to last much longer

The words of those bullies hit some hard

These ropes are what have hit me too much

I am in an abyss, I see no life, I am so scared

These ropes are cutting everything

For words can be such firm ropes to a human….

~Angela Watts


  1. Angela, this was good. It really makes me think, and that’s the number one thing that you want from a poem. Well done. However, in the interest of being a good Internet friend, I do have to ask… This wasn’t inspired by any recent problems, was it? Please tell me you’re not hurting like this. Of course, we all feel like this at times, especially during teenage emotional highs, but it’s a different thing entirely to truly be in this position.

    • I’m glad you like it; poems are fun to me. And to make others think makes me feel accomplished somewhat.
      And no, I can assure you this was not from recent problems. Sorry to make you feel this way: no, I have not gotten bullied or anything like that recently. And definitely not this bad, this was just me going into other’s shoes. I’m very good at seeing things from other’s view and if I want, feeling their emotions. This doesn’t relate to me (yet, I don’t know what the future holds of course). In conclusion; sorry for the misunderstanding. X3

      • All right, it’s fine. As a writer (and INFJ!) I definitely understand looking at another’s view on the world, and, well, taking notes. I figured that was what you were doing, but I just wanted to make sure. 🙂

  2. Rierierose…..I’m Angela’s Mom…..thank you for both encouraging her and checking on her well being. 🙂 I have to admit…reading her writings takes me on a roller coaster ride sometimes with the highs and lows….She really does watch others around her and when my oldest daughter (who is going through a rough patch) read this poem, she told me it was like Ang looked into her head. Again….thank you for caring enough to ask after her…..and Ang… know you have a gift with words……and you’re very aware of the power of words……so here are a few just for you ……I love you…..more than anything in the world. Each of my children are precious and gifted in their own ways……your gift is precious. Cherish it and nurture it…..most importantly …..challenge yourself in it……<3

    • Lol, hi, Angela’s mom! Angela really is a very talented writer, and with practice and training, she without a doubt will become a skilled one. Words have the ability to either make or break a person, and it’s up to the speaker, or author, to choose which. 🙂

  3. geez…..just rememebered you were signed on here and not me…..LOL…..oh well…..I love you…

  4. My eyes got huge when I read this. I think my heart skipped a beat. I’ve been in these shoes a few times, and this poem really speaks to me. I also sort of like how it doesn’t have a ‘happy’ ending. Sometimes I like things to be realistic like that. Well done, Angela! I think you’re wonderful at poetry, you should write some more! (Poetry fan)

    • Well first, I’m sorry you’ve been in these shoes. Second, I’m glad you didn’t mind the ending ehehe. And I like the encouragement, thanks for no freaking out lol. Thank you, I’ll try some more. 🙂 ♥

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