Tomorrow is the LAST day of the blog tour giveaway, so be sure to get your entries in! I’ll announce the winner in tomorrow’s post. 🙂
Today’s post will give you some idea of what comes next for my publishing journey!
First, The Infidel Books #3 should come out in 2021, if the usual routine continues, haha. I’m tempted to dive into it now, but I know it will be very emotionally and spiritually difficult. I’ve spent this year knee-deep in working on The Grim Alliance and my fantasy, so the wise thing for me to do is to give myself time of rest from The Infidel Books. It won’t be for long, haha! I worked on the plot a bit last month and keep getting ideas… Let’s just say, tighten your seat belts, because the first two books are just the beginning!
Covenant, Whispers of Heaven #2, has a hopeful release of December 2020 or early 2021. I’m really not sure. The book is started but I’ve yet to finish it. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably seen how much this book just doesn’t want to be written, haha. But no worries, readers. It is gonna happen. You will get more Eli, Asher, Angel, and *spoiler* goodness! Hopefully soon!
I signed with Blade of Truth Publishing to publish my YA fantasy, GOLGATHA. Yep, you read that right. The fantasy novel I was talking about and then suddenly went quiet over a few months ago? I was pitching and querying. And my dream publisher picked it up.
So, I’ll be working on GOLGATHA till it hits the shelves, as well as trying very hard to finish Covenant! I’m super duper excited, but also, right now, trying to give myself a bit of time to rest.
Before you scoff at me, I actually have rested! But I’m also excited to jump back into work. I’ll be working on balancing everything, haha. I like the idea of working on two projects again… but I also cannot allow myself to burn out… again. Ha. Lord help me.
Because 2020 has been such a big author-ly year for me, I had an idea… 1.) I’ve spent 7 months now doing nothing with my Youtube, even though I had the goal to start it up in… January 2.) GOLGATHA is the first ever trad experience I’ve had 3) I like rambling. Sooo… Today’s poll on my Instagram story is: Should I vlog about my writing updates on Youtube? GOLGATHA and Covenant would be my WIPs, so y’all could watch me bounce between them, melt down at 11 PM, and see me crack some stupid jokes. All on Youtube. IF that’s your thing, please, let me know, haha. I actually like… NEVER watch author/writer vlogs or tips videos on Youtube. So. Yeah. Comment below your thoughts or go vote on the poll! ♥
BIG thanks for everyone who has stopped and commented on the blog tour thus far! You rock!

The Second Civil War storms through the crippled US and winter brings nothing but disaster. West Johnston has earned his mafia father’s trust while searching for hidden answers: why are the UN leaders being assassinated, and why can’t the killers be found? If West can’t stop the Union from attacking D.C. in their last attempt to win the war, how can he stop his father?
Springtown remains one of the few townships left standing amid the tyrannical rule. Another group of gangsters prepare the town for winter. Rene’ Fisher is torn between fearing for her boyfriend Simon’s life and the upheaval taking place in Springtown. Can her father keep the town at peace? Will God have mercy on the allegiance the town must form with an unlikely candidate in order to survive, or will Rene’s home burn like the rest of the world?
Told in multiple bold, abrasive narratives, THE GRIM ALLIANCE steps into a war-ridden nation where bleeding for what you believe is the only option for those determined to win. But with faith, can even the bloodiest hands be made clean?
July 29th, Wednesday
Loretta Marchize | Book Review
US shipping only. If an international winner is drawn, they will receive an ebook only.
1st place: paperback copy of The Grim Alliance + bookmark
2nd place: ebook copy of The Grim Alliance
If you enjoy The Divided Nation and The Grim Alliance, don’t forget to leave Amazon reviews! Y’ALL ROCK!!!!
This blog tour ends the 30th, so be sure to get those giveaway entries in! AND the Instagram challenge ends soon! Check out the details HERE!
You guys are amazing!!!
God bless,