The Grim Alliance, The Infidel Books #2, is out in the wild. You can purchase your ebook or paperback on Amazon now!

It has been less than a year since The Divided Nation released. When this journey started, I truly didn’t know what God had in store. I knew He was going to use this series. I dedicate myself to write what God leads me to write–even when it hurts or I am not sure what some of it means.

Over three years ago, I didn’t dare begin The Infidel Books because I felt inadequate, I didn’t believe I could write a dystopian series that could deal with a lot of heavy topics and do so realistically.

Now? I know God has been acting through me. It was absolutely sobering to see parts of The Infidel Books come to life before my very eyes. Am I ecstatic this novel is launched? Yes! Am I humbled at seeing words God gave me play out in real life? Also yes. Sometimes, it feels that I am powerless to help anyone in today’s world–but that is a lie. We are not powerless. We can make a difference! But to make a difference, you have to take a first step, even if it is a little one.

So take your first step, even if it is only an inch forward. Take the step, even if you might take two steps backward. Sometimes, making a difference means doing something different. Be bold enough to believe God will bless your efforts if you’re facing the direction He asks of you, no matter how many times you fall down.

My biggest goal as an author is to write books that God uses to reach people. Not only have The Infidel Books inspired people, but these novels have also helped me face fears, grow closer to God, and embrace who I am in Christ. I sincerely hope this series helps you. If you still have cold feet, you can grab The Divided Nation for 99c and The Grim Alliance for only 2.99! Don’t forget to leave Amazon reviews if you enjoy them!



The Second Civil War storms through the crippled US and winter brings nothing but disaster. West Johnston has earned his mafia father’s trust while searching for hidden answers: why are the UN leaders being assassinated, and why can’t the killers be found? If West can’t stop the Union from attacking D.C. in their last attempt to win the war, how can he stop his father?

Springtown remains one of the few townships left standing amid the tyrannical rule. Another group of gangsters prepare the town for winter. Rene’ Fisher is torn between fearing for her boyfriend Simon’s life and the upheaval taking place in Springtown. Can her father keep the town at peace? Will God have mercy on the allegiance the town must form with an unlikely candidate in order to survive, or will Rene’s home burn like the rest of the world?

Told in multiple bold, abrasive narratives, THE GRIM ALLIANCE steps into a war-ridden nation where bleeding for what you believe is the only option for those determined to win. But with faith, can even the bloodiest hands be made clean?




July 24th, Friday

Joshua Reid | Guest Post

I really enjoyed writing this post about combining Christian themes with difficult topics in fiction. It is a topic close to my heart! Thanks so much for sharing, Joshua!


US shipping only. If an international winner is drawn, they will receive an ebook only.

1st place: paperback copy of The Grim Alliance + bookmark

2nd place: ebook copy of The Grim Alliance


Thank you SO much for joining the blog tour! I’m ECSTATIC that this book is out in the world and your support in the launch means everything.

Happy reading and God bless,



  1. Congratulations Angela on the release of the 2nd book in the Infidel Books series. I can’t wait to see how God uses this series. 😁

  2. 👏 CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA!! Without you there would never have been a Gideon Hochberg (or any of your other lovelies), so I can’t NOT thank you for writing this incredible series 😉😉😝❤️


  4. congratulations on your release! sooo proud of you 😀 <3

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