The Grim Alliance, The Infidel Books #2, is out in the wild. You can purchase your ebook or paperback on Amazon now! IT HIT #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON yesterday and still has the shiny orange banner. This might’ve been a dream of mine, folks! Thank you for making it happen! It also has TWO lovely 5 star reviews! We also hit my goal of 20 reviews for The Divided Nation by the 24th. Y’all rock! Don’t forget that if you enjoy them, leaving Amazon reviews is the bee’s knees!
Today’s post will be about how I truly have made it where I am. There’s a one word answer: Jesus.
My motto is that if a book doesn’t scare me in some way, I shouldn’t write it. Writing The Infidel Books has never been “easy” and I’m so grateful it hasn’t been. God has taught me a great deal the past 3 years, since The Infidel Books became an idea. In a year, The Divided Nation was a project, then a published book. In another year, The Grim Alliance was a project, then a bestselling book. The best part is that it isn’t the end yet. This is just the beginning.
I have God to thank for not only giving me more than I ever dreamed… but being there when I crumbled, broke, and shut down. Writing this series has made me face many different fears. It has made me research and learn heart-wrenching facts. It has opened my eyes to the true wickedness of humanity. I’m an empath, and sometimes, emotions and feelings and such burden me–sometimes they aren’t even my own. Writing a dystopian where the emotions are high and the vile realities of the world are brought to life… not “easy”. But worth every moment.
It is worth the pain, anger, tears, fear, rejection, because God has used these books to encourage, inspire, strengthen, and comfort readers. I’ve been a published author for about two years now, and all of my books have helped others. I would never have published a novel if it were not for God moving me, leading me, comforting me. Through the thick and thin, Jesus is there with wide open arms.
Because He understands. God understands what it is like to create a whole world, to know the ins and outs, to love the people He created with everything in Him–and have it rejected, hated, and broken. He knows what it is like to be rejected, to be hated, to be ignored. Still, He spoke anyway. He spoke the bold truth with love. He stood His ground. He did not give up His parables and stories.
Jesus, to me, is the world’s greatest Author. If you ever feel beaten, worn, rejected, forlorn, hopeless… Jesus has most likely felt the same. Jesus was rejected by his own town. Jesus was beaten and tortured and worn. Jesus wept and He poured his heart out to God. Despite the trials He faced daily, nothing stopped Jesus from telling the stories of God.
That is my goal, too. No matter what I face. No matter what happens. We each have a voice, a story, a place in this world. The world might be wicked–but there’s beauty in it. And, to quote Sam, it is worth fighting for. So use your voice and know that your Savior not only understands, but loves you, through it all.
And yes, if you’re wondering, the message today is a pretty strong theme throughout The Infidel Books. 🙂

The Second Civil War storms through the crippled US and winter brings nothing but disaster. West Johnston has earned his mafia father’s trust while searching for hidden answers: why are the UN leaders being assassinated, and why can’t the killers be found? If West can’t stop the Union from attacking D.C. in their last attempt to win the war, how can he stop his father?
Springtown remains one of the few townships left standing amid the tyrannical rule. Another group of gangsters prepare the town for winter. Rene’ Fisher is torn between fearing for her boyfriend Simon’s life and the upheaval taking place in Springtown. Can her father keep the town at peace? Will God have mercy on the allegiance the town must form with an unlikely candidate in order to survive, or will Rene’s home burn like the rest of the world?
Told in multiple bold, abrasive narratives, THE GRIM ALLIANCE steps into a war-ridden nation where bleeding for what you believe is the only option for those determined to win. But with faith, can even the bloodiest hands be made clean?
July 26th, Sunday
Shine | Author Interview
A fun author interview with my pal, Shine!
US shipping only. If an international winner is drawn, they will receive an ebook only.
1st place: paperback copy of The Grim Alliance + bookmark
2nd place: ebook copy of The Grim Alliance
If you enjoy The Divided Nation and The Grim Alliance, don’t forget to leave Amazon reviews! I seriously am blown away by y’all’s support. ♥ ♥ I appreciate the shares, comments, and messages so much!
The YA Summer Bookfest event is still going on–you can catch my hour from yesterday and party with fellow YA authors HERE! It has been a blast!!!
ALSO, The Real Book Spy (YES, THAT REAL BOOK SPY) has The Divided Nation on tour! Check out our interview here!
God bless,