Rest isn’t our enemy. 

As Christians, it can be super easy to drown ourselves. In the everyday chaos of life, in our goals, in our dreams, in our friends and family. It can be easy to focus so hard on glorifying the Lord by what we do, we forget to glorify the Lord with rest, as well.

God gave us a Sabbath for a reason. I’m not a perfect Sabbath keeper and I don’t go to church, but the more I study the Word, the more I see that there’s a strong difference between a sluggard and a man of God resting.

Sometimes, we don’t have a choice but to rest. Maybe we’re sick, or have an illness, or injured ourselves. Resting can be difficult when you don’t have a choice in the matter. I mean, I’ve been sick for a couple days and already feel my To Do List piling against me.

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord,  only makest me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

What about if life leaves us no choice but to keep fighting, working, and pushing on? We can’t rest! That’s laziness. We have to push on, people depend on us, we set deadlines, etc etc. Believe me, I understand this. I understand seeing mountains of life stacked so high, I want to break down and run away so I don’t have to keep working. It’s human nature. What makes us different as believers? We don’t run from mountains. We move them.

And guess what? You have to rest in the Lord to do so.

Be still, and know that I [am] God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. – Psalms 46:10

In all that we do, we must glorify the Lord. He calls us to rest. And it isn’t easy, taking rest, or relaxing when we “have things to do”. I’m not saying be lazy all the time, but I am reminding y’all that there’s a reason for everything God commands, so there is a reason He says rest, too. We must find absolute rest in Jesus to be able to fight on.

Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  – Matthew 11:28-30

So, even while our actions, goals, and dreams might glorify God, don’t forget that obedience does, too. It is something I’ve struggled with lately. I want to obey the Lord, but it is very intimidating to follow His commandments when I have mountains threatening to run me down. Can you relate? I also started to recall times in the Bible when Believers faced crisis, and God told them to rest, and they did. They obeyed when it made no sense.

That’s what I choose to do. I choose to rest when God calls me to rest. I choose to trust God’s timing instead of my own. I choose to be fearless instead of fearful.

God bless,



  1. Writing of Horses

    I struggle with this. A lot. I’m an overachiever by design who can’t seem to find rest. Take today, for example. I’m trying to get too much done, I suppose, and it’s weighing down on me.

    Thank you for this, Angela!! I really need to put it to use. ^^

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

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