October 30th!

 So today was my birthday… The beginning started with, of course, ‘happy birthdays’ from my family. Other than that, a tid bit dull. Due to me being ‘locked’ (I locked myself in) in my bedroom. Because the house was being party-fied. 😉

I dunno how long I spent in there, but I played CD’s (hey I found my FOB CD yesss) music in Meesha’s CD player. I ended up skimming through my babies- I mean books. I re-read a ton of TFIOS. Good book, sad, and if you disagree with either of these then you’re wrong.

Finally, ’round 6, I was ‘let out’ (I love my jokes, eh?) and Tory, Mama, Miss Rey May, and I went to town. Mostly talking. But we got pizza (same thing last year) and got a Redbox. 2, actually. ”America” (which I look forward to watching because that man’s movies are very- awesome), and “Mom’s Night Out” which looks funny. Heh…

We got a ton of pizza; having a rather big family and big stomachs is rather fun. We even got cookie pizzas. I skipped the cake; and got sick off the cookies. (No regrets mind you)

And for the first time in my life, I invited someone other than relatives or parents friends; Meesha’s friend Steven. Who I consider a friend too. He’s cool. His dance moves are wicked as Hades.

We ate. We laughed. Etc. Then presents. That’s right, children. Gifts from the best family EVA. And Grandma got me a card with $40 bucks so I am set for LIFE. Just kidding. I’m probably gonna use it for Christmas presents.

OK so I got:

A blue ‘no boundaries’ sweater. (OMG Meesha remembered what I liked 😉 )

A dark gray, knitted coat. (Love at first sight other than chocolate!)

Cowtail candy. (^-^)/

Christmas decor. (My bro Kody is obsessed about Christmas, made sense. 😀 ) I got in this category; lights, balls, and like a silver thingie which sparkles. I’m sure there’s a good name for it but oh well it’s 10:43 here and I am tired. 😛

A camera bag.

Camera. YES YOU HEARD ME! 😀 😀 I got a Nikon camera! It’s red and awesome and epic and a Cooplix L830. 😀 I love it. ♥

But I hafta say; my favorite thing was a big card that everyone signed.

I took pictures with my camera. Which I named Lensy. Get it? :3

Here ya go…


(personally this is the best decor ever ‘kay)

So yeah, the only good ones outta that. 🙂 I’ll do some more outside ones tomorrow. LoVe It!

Wish I could get on more. Sorry ya’ll. I miss blogging and pinning. :/ But it’s OK here. *sigh*

Today I started watching TMNT, the 2012 Nickelodeon, and I’m entering the fandom. Hai. I’m emotionally attached to ninja turtles and I have no regrets OK. Donnie and Mikey are cool; but Leo and Raph are my favorites. ^0^

Finished Tory’s house/room. That’s good.

Cannot wait to get back on fully again. 🙂 God bless.




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