Happy Mother’s Day!

Well, it’s the 5 month and the tenth day of the year. And we all know what that means. Mother’s Day! Now, most people would pop off a card and some flowers to their Mum, but that, too me, isn’t enough. Even if you don’t have money to visit your Mom, this isn’t enough. Call her, adults.

I’m lucky enough to say I don’t have that problem. I’m NOT an adult. But it’s Mother’s Day and I want to give my Mom a special day, because she deserves it.

Mother’s Day is about Mother’s obviously, but it also gives us a day to thank them, think about them. And that’s what I’m going to do.

Thank you Mom, for taking care of me when I was a baby, even when I puked on you.

Thank you for the laughs, hugs, and tears we shared. I’ve always needed someone to just finally spill to, and you were the one who helped me deal with stuff.

Thank you for raising me, you may have doubts, but you’re doing great.

Thanks for the childhood lessons, like those times I wanted something and didn’t get it. Looking back now, I seriously did not need that Elmo toy.

Thanks for the meals you gave me, the snacks, and the juice you bought for us. I really miss the juice.

Thank you for talking to me when our world flipped upside down.

Thank you for protecting me, and at the same time, letting me try and understand this world. Thank you for not being so protective I can’t watch PG-13 movies, and write violence.  Thank you.

Thank you for sticking up for me. Thank you for shielding me.

Thank you for reading those childhood stories I did, and encouraging me even when we both know now, that that stuff was bad. Just bad.

Thank you for taking me to the library, and seeing those animals and stuff. Thank you for that time at the zoo.

Thank you for letting me have a dog, and another dog (Nana). Thank you for the hermit crab. And the bird, though she was evil.

Thank you for the books. I know I have a lot, but I love them, so thank you.

Thank you for my laptop.

Thank you for buying me clothes. Even when I hate searching for clothes.

Thank you for my music. You have no idea how much I love music, all of it. Sometimes I’ll be listening to something and it just makes me so happy I laugh; Ive done this with BB, Skillet, FOB, etc…

Thank you for laughing with me.

Thank you for being brutally honest with me. I hate when people try to sugar coat life for teens, try to protect them so much that life becomes this extremely clean slate. Thank you for making my slate have streaks. I enjoy it.

Thank you for loving me. Even when I’m hard to love, even when I’m just me, you still do. Thank you.

Thank you for those spankings. I needed them. Probably going to need more, eh?

Thank you for saying ‘no’, thank you for saying ‘yes’. And those horrible ‘fines’.

Thank you for telling me to behave when it comes to social things.

Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for homeschooling me. (We both know what would happen in public school with me ehehe)

Thank you for pushing me farther than I wanted and thought I could go. Thank you for showing me things that help me (like Corey).

Thank you for giving me faith and hope.

Thank you for showing me God.

Thank you for doing stuff with the others, so I can pick it up but it not being directed to me.

Thank you for keeping me in check.

Thank you for letting me be me.

Thank you for not being like a lot of Mom’s and going out a lot with friends. Thanks for being with us all the time. I’m also sorry for that haha.

Thank you for loving Dad. This sounds weird, but thanks.

Thank you for encouraging me.

Thank you for letting me be crazy with Meesha and Kody.

Thank you for ‘the look’.

Thank you for being you. You’re amazing and wonderful and fantastic. I love you so, so, so, so much. I hope you have a great day.  Happy Mother’s Day, Mama. ♥♥♥♥


Angela R.




Mama and I.

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