Grilled Thoughts

Hey guys! I hope ya’ll have had a great week! 🙂 Tommorrow is FRIDAY! Awesome right? Yay! I don’t have social plans, thank goodness. I’m preferrring; lazy days including a lot of movies and tea drinking. 😉 And hot coco, eh? 🙂
I blogged earlier about how Ryan, Rachel, Ashton, and Ember are here. 🙂 They’re leaving tomorrow though, they were supposed to leave today but hadn’t packed and stuff. So we got one extra day! 🙂 But we’re all tired haha. We had Rey and Em’s birthday party; which was shared by both of them, though Em has already had her birthday and Rey’s is yet to come. But hey; it worked! We wanted to make them a party and give them some presents while everyone was here. 🙂

I got sick about 3 days ago; which sucked. A lot. My throat hurt so bad I couldn’t eat, and when I swallowed a few spoonfuls… Ehheh. The outcome was ugly. Ahem moving on sorry. But I’m feeling better now! I’ve got mucus in me but hey, I’m used to it haha.

Today was great! I got to go outside with everyone. Ryan and Dad have been working on Ryan’s bug (car), and I’ve helped on it too. It looks great! It’s awesome. 🙂 I helped babysit the kids outside again, and we went to Grandma’s RV and she made us grilled cheeses. 😀 YUM. (If you couldn’t tell I love ’em) It’s been a beautiful day, but it started raining a bit ago. But that’s OK, we got play time under our belts. 😉 Meesha went out, and she just got back. 🙂 I took pictures while outside too! I’ll post them later. 🙂

Oh! Check out this song? It’s one of my new favorites. 😀

And my newest favorite ALBUM is Fall Out Boy’s newest; American Beauty/American Psycho! IT. IS. AMAZING. I love FOB soooooooo SSSSSOOOOOO much. An epic album from an epic talented band; you should SO check them out. I love all of the songs and know them by heart. ♥ But then again…. If I’ve heard the FOB song, I love it and know it by heart.

Well I gotta go. 🙂 God bless.


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