Family And Horses

My family and I have been pretty sick and its been rough, but thank God, we’re sort of struggling out of it. I’m feeling better (though I fear I may jinx this as I type LOL) and I’m super grateful. But our spring break lasted a bit more than only 1 week, but Ma hopes we can start the last part of our school year next week. I’m so excited for summer already, haha! 😀 I’m glad to be back in business, even though spring break was a nice break (other than getting sick for most of it, but I was still grateful I didn’t have to be doing school as I suffered lol), so I’m going to work hard! 🙂

Not much has been poppin’, due to us being sort of ill here (and tired). But the end of March and the beginning of April (or at least…. I think in that time period… Haha!) did hold some wonderful times. 😉 Life does in general, but I was lucky to get some photos, too.


I gave Laney her first bottle! Tory was busy cooking, and Laney Little was gettin’ fussy, so I had the honor! 😀 She was almost finished with her apple juice (she’s lucky she’s tiny… I love apple juice… haha! xD), and then Ma insisted we had to get our picture taken, so Dad took some! 🙂 That was sweet. ♥

It was Reyna’s 3rd birthday on March 23rd! 🙂 She had a GREAT time and got lots of presents (and a horse cake! Which was really good.) I am SO proud of this girl, she’s sweet, polite, kind, funny (she always makes me laugh), and I can always tell her what I feel and she always has what to say. Quite the wise 3 year old. ♥ I love being able to see her grow up this much.


Happy birthday!
Opening presents!
I was taking the picture from behind so the words are upside down. Oops! But the horses are so neat! Birthday cake! ♥ 

You can see Ember and Ashton in some of those pics, too. 😀 They came up here for a few days! I got some photos and will put some. The kids were SO fun. I love them a lot- we played with chalk, board games (Ashton seriously won the game ‘Life’ against Kody and I. He got like, $700,000,000 I am NOT kidding ROCK ON DUDE), and being outside! 🙂

I have lots of pictures but am sorta tired (in a good way! 🙂 ) so will upload just a bit. 😉

Em and Kody!
Papaw and his girls


Playin’ on the trailer
The youngins! 😀
Ashton holding Laney ♥
Us making a helicopter in chalk!
I love this photo, we’re going to frame it.
Back from an adventure in the woods! 🙂
Ashton and Ulu ♥
Rey. Em, and me, playing with their puppy Zip. 


Ashton led Sugar Baby! 🙂
Ashton, Sugar Baby, and I. ♥♥


All the kids rode Cosmo. 🙂 Ashton on Cossy!



Well, I think that’s pretty much it, for March and April’s beginnings, haha. We’re so incredibly blessed- I love my family. ♥♥ I have to go now, but I hope y’all enjoyed seeing the happenings and pictures! 🙂

God bless.


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