Dandelion Dust Blog Tour

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Hello all!

Faith Potts is publishing her endearing book Dandelion Dust. I had the honor of beta-reading this story, and it was so powerful. Faith put a lot of prayer and heart into the story, and it came out a touching, strong story of love, faith, and trust. One of the best little books I’ve read in a long time, and I won’t forget it!

I interviewed Faith, and am excited to share the interview with y’all! I hope you enjoy. Be sure to check out Dandelion Dust, because this book is one you need in your life!




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Like a speck of dandelion dust riding the tides of a prairie wind, life is fleeting. Though I never realized just how fragile it was until that day . . .

Charity always had a dream. It was simple, really. Find a guy, fall in love, and get married.
The day she met Ryder, Charity knew he was the man God had chosen for her. But she never expected their relationship to be tested and tried through the fires of a freak accident. Suddenly, her world is thrown into chaos, and the bleak, white walls and sterile smells of a city hospital fill every spare minute. And then there comes the dreaded news. It was likely Ryder would never make it out of the hospital bed.
As her carefully laid plans for the future come crashing down around her and the sun seems to set on her dreams, can Charity still find hope in the dark of night?

Like a dandelion, life is beautiful. But treasure every moment. . . for one day, the flower will be gone.


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About the Author

Faith Potts is a teenage writer, living with her family and beloved yellow labs in the southeastern US. When she’s not writing stories, consuming large amounts of coffee, reading books, or creating pottery, she can be found laughing harder than is healthy, daydreaming, and – of course – blowing dandelions.

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Writing blog: Stories by Firefly

Faith blog: Chosen Vessels

Social media: Goodreads // Pinterest // Instagram 



The Interview


1. What inspired you to write ‘Dandelion Dust’?

To put it simply, a dream. The last week of December, I had a dream about a guy who wrecked a four-wheeler and everything just went from there. The two certain friends who I ended up in an utterly ridiculous conversation with the night before…well, they probably deserve some of the credit/blame too.

2. What is one thing that God showed you through writing this story?

To not take anything for granted. Just as Charity realizes in the book, we’re not promised tomorrow. Through that, God showed me how precious life is and that we should cherish those we love while we have them. Life’s too short to waste. I need that reminder constantly, but I’m more aware of it ever since I wrote this book.

3. If you could meet one of your characters from ‘Dandelion Dust’ in real life, who would you meet, and why?

*snickering* Loaded question, Angela-girlie. 😉 I could basically answer with any of them here and have oodles of reasons why, but I’ll settle on Ryder since I’m talking about Charity a little further down. Ry (yes, I give my characters nicknames) is goofy and full of teasing. Meeting him would be fabulous, although I would probably laugh until my sides ached. And of course, as one of my beta-readers told me, he’s the ‘most adorable thing ever.’ I’m inclined to agree.

4. Which character from ‘Dandelion Dust’ do you see yourself in the most?

Charity. Definitely. I don’t think I’ve ever related to a character as well as I do with her. Her fears, insecurities, and sarcastic thoughts? Yep, that’s Faith. I joke that she is me and I am her, which isn’t exactly true. (I don’t have a big sis or a super adorable nephew, so there are obviously some differences…some.)

5. What is one message you pray your readers will take after reading Dandelion Dust?

Trust God, no matter what. He is in control and He has a plan. Even if all you’re seeing is darkness and chaos, beauty can come from these ashes. That message would be followed closely by a reminder to cherish those you love. Tomorrow is never promised, folks.




Thank you for answering my questions, Faith! And, haha, yes… it may have been a loaded question. 😉 Congratulations on publishing Dandelion Dust, Faith!

Be sure to check out the GIVEAWAY! It is so exciting! 😀

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LINK TO THE GIVEAWAY: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/4a652fbb2/?

(On WordPress, I don’t know how to embed the link, so follow that and enter! 🙂 )

Blog Tour Schedule:

Wednesday, June 28th

Olivia @ Living for the Other Side // Book Spotlight   

Soleil @ ReviewsbySoleil // Book Spotlight & Review

Liv @ Liv K. Fisher // Book Spotlight & Author Interview

Mikayla @ Ordinary Girl Extraordinary Father // Book Review

Kaitlyn @ Twin Thoughts // Character Interview

Thursday, June 29th

Rebekah @ RebekahAshleigh // Book Spotlight

Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger// Author Interview

Raechel @ Gods Peculiar Treasure Rae // Book Spotlight & Author Interview

Lydia @ Lydia Therese // Book Review

Rebekah @ Rebekah’s Remarks  // Book Spotlight & Author Interview

Faith @ The Writer’s Song // Book Review & Author Interview

Friday, June 30th (Release Day!)

Rebekah @ RebekahAshleigh// Book Review

Anika Joy @ This Journey Called Life  // Book Spotlight & Review

Laura @ Books and Chapters // Book Review

Olivia @ Living for the Other Side // Book Review

Jesseca @ Whimsical Writings for His Glory // Book Spotlight, Review, & Author Interview

Bethany @ A Great God and Good Cocoa // Book Spotlight & Review

Micaiah @ Adventures Beyond the Horizon // Author Interview

   Thank you for letting me be a part of the release of this touching novella, Faith! God bless you all.

-Angela Watts



  1. I always love reading interviews. Thanks, Angela!

  2. I’ve been wanting to read this ever since it was announced on Faith’s blog! It looks so good. 🙂

  3. Thank you for having me over to your blog, Angela! Yousubmitted some fun questions. 🙂

  4. *adds to list* This book sounds good! I’ll have to look into it! 🙂

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