
We have not found Hopie. I’m worried about Mama. But I think now, that Hopie left to die. It’s been different: Quiet. No life-vacuum if you know what I mean. I miss her in a way. I’ll always remember her. Thank you, Lord, for her time. I’m sure though, that she is havin’ fun in …


 Joy How sweet  the melody of joy Pure joy Not something you force or fake It is felt inside.. And you feel happy and laugh and smile and your eyes shine and you want to show your overwhelming feeling Because your heart it feels light and bursting Oh, you don’t always feel this way How …

R.I.P. Hopie

Today, September 20th, 2014, Hope (aka; Hopie, Doodle, etc…), our family house dog, died. She was ancient; around (human) 15 years, around 91 in Dog Years. She was a Jack Russel mix, was fatter, and had a brown spot the shape of a heart. She was a family dog, and was, well, a good dog. …

My Sunshine

“You are my sunshine. . .” The tires stop. “My only sunshine. . .” He steps out of his car. He walks to the gravestone. ”You make me happy. . .” He kneels. ”When skies are gray. . .” Thunder. Rain begins to pour as his eyes fill with tears. ”You’ll never know, dear. . …


What freedom does the bird have when they say He has more freedom than humans Maybe they are wrong Because wings can only take you so far We have them not But in life we seem to need large, white wings to fly away and be free But would you have the courage even to …


It was obvious that night was like any other it was frigid and dark, shadows cast on my sight I was alone in my house-not a home, but a shelter A fire crackled in the hearth My mind was troubled, my thoughts sullen I rocked back and forth Everything was black in my heart On …


Today strikes the 13 year mark from the tragic day that we all remember; 9/11. September 11, 2001. The day that 2 planes hit the World Trade Towers in NY. Terrorists destroyed them. Every day on every 9/11 since, America has remembered. And we should never, ever forget that day. America, don’t ever forget. I …


Hey ya’ll. It’s me. Sorry I’ve been gone for a while with no notice heh. I’ve been busy. Babysittin’ my 1 year old niece Reyna. Whew! She’s a handful. But sweet when she wants to be. 😉 So that’s been busy. And I’ve been readin’ from my Bible. I read Leviticus which I loved of course. …