
Ride ride, into your sunset I’d rather have the woods and shade down on me because sunkissed is too much a blessing for me I’ll take the path you take the road we’ll go our separate ways and meet with stones in our feet and soul But we have tales to tell, and worlds to find so …


I wonder what the sky says when we fall in line in what we call freedom but we are slaves to ourselves  Run run, away from responsibilities but you can’t hide from Life He knocks on your door, your door of a fake wall you’ve built. Sing sing, your song of opinion and protest you know …

Good good good.

Bad post title I know, but sometimes my charisma of naming leaves me as it points it’s finger at me, laughing. But this morning at 8:00, or so that’s when us kids got woken up anyway, Grandma and Papa got here! I’m so glad they’re here! After hugs and comparing heights (I am officially taller …

Great News Again!

MY GRANDPARENTS CLOSED THEIR HOUSE TODAY!!! 😀 OK that is *all*. But yay! One step closer to the grandparents bein’ up here. Family love. Farm. Horse. ♥ Thank you Lord, for a blessed life. Thank you. I praise you in the light and I pray to praise you in the dark. ♥ -Angela

Indian Pow-Wow

So today was a Cherokee Indian Pow-Wow a few small towns away, and it started at ten. But we didn’t get there till 11 somethin’.  The drive there wasn’t long but felt like it because Josh is a slow driver. (No offence dude but seriously lol…)  The drive was beautiful. I love our hills and …