Hamburgers (Hetalia Fanfic) Part 1

”’Oh, can you see by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?”  Italy jerked awake, eyes wide. He heard the sound again, louder. ”Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in …

Goodbye Florida

Goodbye Florida *Hello Seattle beat*.  So we got home from our trip yesterday evening. We were there for 5 days; helping my grandparents move. It was exhausting (and sleeping on a throw blanket wasn’t fun haha) but it’s done. 🙂 It wasn’t too bad; but kinda sad to say goodbye to the place. We all …

Currently In…

So the Watts family are in Georgia. Wow. It’s been dark since we first really got here. It’s really cool though. Long drive. But anyway; we’re safely half way to Grandma and Papa. Thank God. ♥ And my whole brain is going; I KNOW ONLINE PALS IN GEORGIA so I’m kinda sad because I wish …


But who could walk through the flames? Who will? They are high they are mighty they make us look so small. But alas, look into your heart. Tell me, thus you wait and die in your safe position, who could walk through these flames? My, look at them burn! Weary- very indeed- they make us …


OK so this evening I helped Tory and Josh take up some fence posts for a bit. We’re moving the posts over, and I helped. I’ll be helpin’ a lot. Which is cool. Because if I’m gettin’ a horse I’m so willing to pitch in haha. But it’s actually fun; taking green posts out and …

1 Year Ago. . .

So I checked here today and was surprised to find that I had an award, a new one. So apparently it’s been a year that I’ve had this blog. WHOOOAAAA. WHOAAA. 0-0 I can’t believe it. Goodness. A year! And I have 36 followers! Thank ya’ll! One year ago I was writing KC with Kendra …

Horse Girl Posts