Wonderful Day

So, after a lazy morning, Momma and I had a ‘date’. Alone time. We went and had Sonic (chocolate milkshake forever). We talked, and I love these days because I love talking to my Momma. She’s amazing. Grandma called however, and turns out they might have to do something with one of her heart valves. …

Good-day Mate

‘Ello people of earth. Hi. It’s me. I am almost done with p2 (long story) and very happy. One day of editing and adding some parts, well, editing stuff and I shall post it… When that’s done, I might do a random KC fanfic which I penned a few weeks ago. Maybe. It’s sad so… …


Yesterday I painted (well my sister did for me) my nails for the first time in a year. Last Christmas… Red, with gold sparkles… Nice. So I’ve been listening to ‘Lonely Lullaby’ by Owl City. I listened to it a cried. Really cried. Listen to it. It’s a beautiful sad song. I’ve been drawing. I …


I’ve been inspired by a few people over the Internet. They’ve made me want to inspire others, to be myself and try new things. I don’t want to be someone who is just here on this planet. I want to inspire others. I mean, everyone impacts lives just by being here. But I’m tired of …


Wishing you all a wonderful day because my past few days/weeks have been bitter. But life is bittersweet, so we should cherish the sweet and remember and push through the bitter because every day makes us who we are, and who we will be. -AW

Super Saturday!

Well I expected today to be a relaxed day and we’d get to sleep in- I’ve never been so wrong. (Get that quote?) Mom and Dad decided we’d go to BAM while Meesha went on her date. (I’m not giving personal things on this but without this detail the rest of my day won’t make sense.) We …


I just went outside and it’s past 9:00, so it’s dark. But I love the dark, and stars.So I scurried outside and luckily the dirt was not muddy but it was cool. I hurried  our car and tried to find something I was looking for. I found nothing. So I went back inside. Then asked …