White Belt!

So we went to karate class again this week. I missed last week due to having the flu, but I was back tonight! And Kody and I got our Obi’s and Gi’s, aka uniforms and belts. We’re white belts now. 🙂 We practiced a new technique and stuff. It’s getting more fun. I’m going to …

Truly Blessed

Ya know, sometimes things really just hit me. Sometimes things take a while to catch up with me. But one thing that has hit me more than one; is knowing how truly blessed I am. It comes in different swings, different days. Sometimes it stays a while, sometimes I get too busy or fail to …


“The Peculiar Messenger” page is updated!!!!!!! SO IS “My Other Sites” GO CHECK THEM OUT! 😀 I’m off to update the others. ☺

Camera In Hand

Yesterday, it being the last day with everyone, I felt like taking pictures. Since I was feeling human again, I got my camera ready and headed out. I took some, in my sense, really good ones. And Ryan and Dad liked some (which I don’t know, they were just saying it to themselves with the …

Taking It In

I’ve been craving a day just to breathe. I think, as humans, we all need those kind of days. Just days to relax. To remember that we are loved. For some of us, that fact seems like a lie. That we aren’t loved, and we feel doubtful that anyone could love us. Well, that’s not …

Grilled Thoughts

Hey guys! I hope ya’ll have had a great week! 🙂 Tommorrow is FRIDAY! Awesome right? Yay! I don’t have social plans, thank goodness. I’m preferrring; lazy days including a lot of movies and tea drinking. 😉 And hot coco, eh? 🙂 I blogged earlier about how Ryan, Rachel, Ashton, and Ember are here. 🙂 …


OK so! Updates… Firstly, I won’t be online much. Our Internet is getting screwed up. :/ UGH. Second: Yesterday was a snow day! It snowed a few inches, over the inches of hard ice. But hey; it SNOWED! 😀 We got up and got dressed, and Dad made sleds out oc cardboard. Which held up, …

Ice Time!

2/16/15 So we were promised 2-4 inches of snow in my area… *glances at weather channel* But… We got some flurries, but we got ice. Which looks like snow, but in some places, you can walk on it and it won’t let you break through. So yeah. About 2-4 inches of ice- TOTALLY! We (as …

When I Stop Walking, It Isn’t Always For Smelling The Roses

Hello! It’s me again. o((*^â–½^*))o My apologies for it being a while… I haven’t had much to say. But now, I’ll try and make a rather worth reading post. Though it won’t be one having an inspiration purpose, anyway, like some of mine… (∩_∩) OK so! It’s Valentine’s Day- but my family and I don’t Valentine’s Day …