
Sometimes things can get pretty drastic. Yes, and the times can be very dire. Hard to keep the fire, the fire going high. Higher than the skyscrapers that will tell you to keep it together, keep moving on. You might be wondering what do you do to move on? Moving on moving on, what is …

Stay Alive

Its time to say goodbye But that’s okay Maybe we’ll meet another day. And if not that’s okay because that’s how this life can be. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll surely miss you, but I’ll use the noise to rid the poise The poise you always had, never well, but I cannot, cannot avoid it …


I haven’t updated in what seems forever! XD Sorry! My life has been quite busy! But its too early to get into details and such. I know, I know- I should, its a blog and all. But I don’t feel like updating in words… SO! Have some photos I forgot to upload! 😀 Well, there’s …