The Painting

   The Painting       Worn out. The picture was faint, the paint chipped. The picture was dusty, holding a long, old story in the etched marks of color. ~~~  Run, run, run. Thump, thud, thump, thud. My sneakers hit the concrete over and over again. I ran down the road, down the fields of golden …

TMNT 2007 Movie; My Heartfelt Commentary

Hello y’all! I hope you’ve been well, and if you’ve been waiting for me to update, then thank you! 🙂 Have a cookie. *hands over a cookie* There there, grasshopper. Wow, first off, I’m going to reminisce. Holy crap nuggets!!! Its been almost a year since I found Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and since I’ve been in love …

My Free! Artwork

OK! So I know I did the Karneval stuff, and actually, like I thought when posting the post, I had in fact already posted the art. Just not in the art category. 😉 My bad! Oh well, better upload it anyway on a journal post that not at all haha! I’ll try and be more organized …