Spring Days, And ‘Moved Out’

It has been gorgeous weather. And that has put me in pretty good spirits. ;D And rain and storms put me in spirits, too- I love practically all weather… For different reasons, different feelings… Anyway! Over the weekend, the Watts family has been quite busy! When’s that new lol?

Tory, Roger, Rey, and Laney are finally moved in their new house! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Its one Southern horse tribe away, lol! ๐Ÿ˜‰ We helped move them in yesterday! ๐Ÿ˜€ They’ve got a ways to go for it to be finished, but it is so cute now. ๐Ÿ™‚

Reyna sleeping in her new room! ๐Ÿ˜€ย 

We’ve also been working with our babies; Taloowa, Miigi, and Zibi. We went and got halters… So, basically, the pony size halters we got are too big for them. However, after a few minutes of working Miigi, Dad and Ma got a halter on her with no problem. Sadly, it didn’t fit. xD So we took it off and now… :/ Hopefully we find the right sizes!

It is so warm here! ๐Ÿ˜€ I cannot wait till we get our pool up- prayerfully it still works! โ™ฅ-โ™ฅ I’ll never leave it! xD

I don’t have ‘plans’ for the summer… I know things aren’t set in stone and most likely, I won’t actually get everything done I want. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But in any case, I do have things I would love to do over the summer.

I want to read! I’ve been picking up more books lately, most for school, but I have so many I would love to read over the summer. I would REALLY love to find more books, too. I want to expand my reading ‘genres’, but so many ‘teenage’ books are just trash… xD So, if there are any good (long or short!) books you know of and love, feel free to recommend me some! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m looking for any good story, nothing particular.

A bit back, I went through my book shelves and threw out an entire box of books. Yes, I know. I hoard books. Like seriously, not kidding… Small or large, my favorite or least, I keep them. But I wanted a fresh start and to rid some of the not-so-great books. And that led to an entire box… xD

As I think about what I wanna do for the summer, I know I can do this now. I mean, its SPRING! ๐Ÿ˜€ I can read and write right now. Summer is just like this vast time of freedom. No wonder I was gettin’ carried away there… ;D One thing I want to do over the summer is drink lemonade. Just sayin’. I miss real lemonade. xD

Writing! I really pray I have time to write over the summer and stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t have exact goals or anything, I just look forward to seeing what happens, really! And maybe Tory and I can go horseback riding some more… I think we’re gonna do that next week, too. Sweet!

I also want to experiment with painting over the warm time. I have some paint and canvas from my Christmas art set, and have yet to touch them. I have plans for this, and I pray that I at some point, I get covered in dried paint and have a masterpiece before me. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m really just excited to see what Yahweh has in store for my summer and spring! ;D

So, lately I’ve sort of been getting these little eye aches- like whenever I focus up close on something (my camera, really), my eyes sort of hurt. Ma explained I’ve been straining my eyes with a variety of things. So, we got me reading glasses. I pray that they help, and maybe my eyes won’t strain for long and I won’t have to use them a whole lot… Either way, OK, I was still pretty happy. I mean, glasses are pretty cute… I was sorta ‘aahh!!’ because I didn’t know if they would hurt my eyes in general or something- but looking on it I found that lots of people need glasses or little things and that’s fine. xD

They’re red and black, too. ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Kody took like a ton of photos with them and I (lol) and then I took some of him but, can I just share this one:


He is very handsome. OK- he has that to thank from my parents! xD

We’ve all been good and busy and happy. ๐Ÿ˜€ How are y’all? Do you have any ‘summer plans’? ๐Ÿ™‚ God bless!



  1. Love your pictures! =)
    Also, book recommendations. If you’re interested in fantasy, I’d recommend The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson, and the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. Both very unique and original. If you like mystery, I suggest Dorothy Sayers’ novels. Clouds of Witness and Murder Must Advertise are two of my favorites. Also The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart is a really good book. Hope these recommendations help! =)

    • Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚
      I have never heard of any of those! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll have to look into them, they sound interesting. Thanks so much!
      Right now, I bought ‘Dracula’ and ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, And Other Strange Cases’, so I’m looking forward to reading those right now. Its amazing how the same book can vary from price to price, just because of the publisher name. xD
      Thanks again for the books. ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Absolutely! I hope you enjoy them if you read them. ^_^
        Ahhh, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I was younger when I read that, and it literally terrified me, and I love it in a morbid way. Fantastic book. Haha, yeah. Book prices are funny things. xD

        • Ahh thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€
          Haha! Yes, my Ma helped me pick it out, and she started showing me books she read when she was in high school, and I chose those two. xD Yes, they both have that dark streak…

  2. Pingback:My Fantastic Summer Bucket List | The Peculiar Messenger

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