Happy 4th Of July!

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY Y’ALL! Happy Independence Day ( My Dad just walked in and I wasn’t looking and I typed ”Indepenedece Fay)(Ah yes. My favorite time of the year. The Fay) !

Me right now;

(This has, is, and always will be one of my favorite GIFs I found it last year)

I want to firstly say that without the people who fought and did what they did in 1776, we wouldn’t have good ol’ USA, and so I think we should all also appreicate and remember what happened; today is about celebrating our Independence! I thank everyone in history and current who helped make and protect our country, despite the bad guys all around us (and in office), they’re are people to thank. My hat goes off to y’all, the good guys.

Sadly, its raining today. I KNOW. So sad! So we can’t do our fireworks, we’re saving them for tomorrow. I stayed up till 12 AM last night though lol, blogging America stuff and funny GIFS until it turned 12 and then I went to bed.

And now, for some GIFs I wanted to add to this post I got from Tumblr.

When people tell me to chill when its the 4th;

Anyway, hope y’all had a great 4th! 😀


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