2015, Here I Come!

MY INTERNET WORKS RIGHT! 😀 So here’s what I got for Christmas firstly.

Tea from Kody! :D
Tea from Kody! 😀
MP3 player which currently has 123 songs.
MP3 player which currently has 123 songs.
Boxing gloves :D
Boxing gloves 😀
Doctor Who shirt
Doctor Who shirt
Marvel shirt
Marvel shirt
TMNT PJ pants
TMNT PJ pants
TMNT shirt
TMNT shirt
TMNT shirt
TMNT shirt
Ninja shirt
Ninja shirt


So this a quick up of what I got on Christmas. 😀

Then on the 27th my big bro Ryan, Rachel, Ashton, and Em came up! They were here for a few days, and as usual, it was a crazy hectic, FUN time! 😀 We all did a ton. Its always great to have the family around. We went hiking on our land too! It was cold though and drizzly (when is it not in the winter here haha). I couldn’t get a ton of pics. But it was great. 🙂 Ryan, Rache, Meesha, and I first reached everyone on foot. (Tory and Josh had the fourwheeler) (Mama, Dad, Kody, and the babies had the truck). Doing so, we had to cross the river. Ryan and Rachel (in the end mostly Ryan lol) dragged a dead log over to the river right. And Ryan cut down a stick for crossing. And we all crossed. I mean look; I walked a flipping LOG OVER WATER.


I know it’s not the biggest conquering ever (also we used the skinny log here, the second larger one we added when we crossed but we haven’t had to use it again) but I mean I was pretty certain I was gonna fall in. I was the last one to go so if I had I wouldn’t be completely glad about anything. But I did it. And I dunno why it just made me feel good. So my take is; do it. If you fail, you fail. If you conquer it, it’ll feel good and you just start it all again.


When we reached everyone we hung out in the car while Dad (and Tory and Josh and sorta Ryan) talked to a guy who long story short yeah. Meesha entertained Rey and ember. XD

Anyway, then, the 30th was Kody’s birthday! So here are some pics.


I told Ashton to smile if he wasn’t gonna get out of the picture. This is what I got. I die every time. XD Love my little nephew to pieces.


My amazing little bro! 😀


My amazing big bro. Making a weird face. As usual.


Mama and I! 😀 ♥ This was all of us making food for Christmas Eve.

So I promised the updates on my life. Here are there pictures. 😀 Happy New Year’s, and late Merry Christmas. :3

I’m getting stronger guys! Working out really pays off! I can see my arm muscles really well now. 🙂 That punching bag is my new hobby.

I hope ya’ll are doing great. I’m doing great. 🙂 Same old same old really, but I’m looking through the challenges my family and I have faced lately. I’m praying. Trying not to worry, which isn’t always easy, but it is now, because I have God with me, and I’ve come closer to Him.

Thank you all so much for making 2014 a great year for me online too. I’m facing 2015 with hopes, goals, and joy. I know it won’t be easy, but that’s OK. 🙂 God’s helped me through my life, He won’t leave me now. ♥

We’re getting back on school Monday. Which is gonna be fine. 😉

God bless!




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