Happy New Year’s

Hey guys! So today is the 31st. And I’ve missed a TON of important updates, so please bare with me as I catch ya’ll up. :3

So Ryan, Rachel, Ashton, and Ember came on the 27th. At night though; so all around days days; they were here for 3 days I think. And it was awesome! 😀 Ashton and Ember have GROWN man. XD But it was absolutely great to see them! I love my family to death. But it was so fun; except when Ember hurt herself. And Reyna snatched crap from Em. But the cute cousin moments were great. XD

They left early this morning though; and Ashton was excited to go home and play with all of his toys. ;D

I know I’ve failed to update this blog lately but it’s because most of my stuff has needed PICTURES too, but my Internet is really bad. Nothing will upload and Pinterest won’t load either. I can do this and Tumblr however. So that’s good. But no worries! I hope to update what’s been happened much better when I get better Internet, but I can’t right now. :/ Which sucks because I’ll probably forget important stuff by the time I have the pictures uploaded. Forget important details. Forget describing a day. FORGET FORGET FORGET. X3

Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to do what I want to do with the past week. But anyway!
Yesterday was Kody’s birthday! He got a Wii on Christmas so we got him games for it. 🙂 Happy birthday little bro, I love ya. Even when I wanna kill ya lol. 😉

Happy New Year’s everyone! I don’t have any resolutions, which sounds lazy probably, but I mean, I set goals in the middle of the year. I just don’t really have any want to make a list. Huh… Anyway. :3 I hope ya’ll had a great 2014. Mine was pretty good; even if it wasn’t the best, I can’t say it sucked because it didn’t really, really thinking about it. God gave me another year and for that I can’t complain. It had it’s ups, it’s downs, it’s humor, it’s tears, it’s anger. But I wouldn’t change it.

I hope ya’ll have a great 2015 though! Jeez, are we getting old or not? XD

I should do some really inspiring post about goals and stuff but I have nothing for this. So happy New Year’s ya’ll! 🙂 God be with you.


P.S. I have so much to BLOG OMG. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. UPDATES. AHHHH. Internet hates me. Shame.

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