An Arrangement If Thoughts

So basically I’m just pulling blog titles together as if I was doing a FOB song. And it’s working.

So I’m doing this (I need to stop saying ‘so’) 30 Day Photography Challenge. Which I have not been doing everyday, mind you. Sorry. But I have gotten this far: First let me show you the thing.

Looks like fun!

My latest one was day 9; Someone I Love.


My Dad. Amazing Dad, loving, caring- He’s awesome. ♥ Let me tell ya; he can fix anything.

Tomorrow is; Childhood Memory. Meh…

OH! Yesterday I got a TMNT box, as you know, so I took some pictures.

So that’s awesome, not sure what to do with it yet though haha. I shall figure somethin’ out.

Today is Monday and yes, school was school. Ugh. I had to say a poem out loud. Which wasn’t fun. It took some practice to go slow.

… I need to get on an inspiring post like a normal person. Bye ya’ll.


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