I Can Show You…

“I can show you the world, little brother.”

”’Not right now, older brother.”

”I can show how to talk to the stars, little brother.”

”I am not lonely, older brother.”

”I can show you how to paint your heart’s desire, little brother.”

”I don’t want to paint right now, older brother.”

”I can show you how climb your worries, little brother.”

”I can climb very well, older brother.”

”I can show you how to take care of those you love, little brother.”

”I’m strong, older brother.”

”I can show you how to build bridges, little brother.”

”I don’t need bridges, older brother.”

”I can show you how to fight away your nightmares, little brother.”

”I don’t have nightmares, older brother.”

”I can show you how to go on a camping trip, little brother.”

”I don’t want to go camping, older brother.”

”I can show you how to do that, little brother.”

”I’m perfectly alright, older brother.”

”I love you, little brother.”

“I’m sorry, older brother, I’m sorry, Mommy and Daddy. I want to see the world with you, I want to talk to the stars with you, I want to pain my heart’s desire with you, I want to climb my worries with you, I want to take care of who I love with you, I want to build bridges with you, I want to fight away my nightmares with you, I want to go camping with you, I want to be your son and you brother.

“I love you, older brother.”


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