Hamburgers (Hetalia Fanfic) Part 1

”’Oh, can you see by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?”

 Italy jerked awake, eyes wide. He heard the sound again, louder.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,”
 Italy realized then, who it was. And what.
”I’ll kill him. In his sleep. With spaghetti.” He whispered to himself, rolling out of bed quite clumsy. As he picked himself off the ground, he had a murderous smile as he opened his door. 
”I’ll kill him.” He repeated, going down the hall. He heard the National Anthem still being sung, but now with interruption. 
”Let me go!” America protested, and as Italy found him in the living room, he also saw Germany. Germany’s eyes were flaring, face lit up in rage and disgust.
”You undisciplined little-” Germany announced loudly, pushing him on the ground. ”You broke my window!” 
”Hey I-” America began angrily, but loud barking entered the room. A pleased, slightly cruel grin broke out on Germany’s face.
”Heh, yeah! Sick ‘im boys! Good dogs!” 
America gave a girly scream as Germany’s dog hopped on him. 
”What’s going on?!” Italy cried, rubbing his eyes. Germany looked up, hesitantly calling his dogs off. America grumbled something, standing.
”America broke in. Do you know how many laws you broke?” Germany scolded, hands behind his back.
”And for God’s sake you look horrible. You should lay off the cola.” With that, Germany huffed off, angrily cleaning the coffee table.
”Italy!” America greeted, flashing a thumbs up as he patted Italy’s back.
”America.” Italy mumbled. ”What do you want. It’s 2 AM.”
”I know that! That’s what Germany said too.” America nodded, eying the dogs as they sniffed his pants. 
”You fed the dogs again, didn’t you?!” Germany snapped. America looked down, then shrugged.
”I don’t see what a little hamburger does every now and then…”
”They start liking you!” Germany sighed, then called the dogs away.
”Anyway!” America brightened as Italy began back up the stairs. 
”I’m going to back bed.” 
”Hey wait! You won’t believe this but-” Italy turned.
”They have hamburgers on sale at McDonalds, for a limited time! I was wondering if you wanted some? ”
 Italy’s eyes widened again.
”I’m going to kill you.” 
America’s face showed everything as he tore out of the house. Leaving a chuckling Germany behind as Italy flew out of the house in his robe. 
I don’t own Hetalia! This is merely my fanfic, copyright 2014. Please don’t steal! If you wanna share it, reference it, etc, please talk to me first!


  1. This is the best thing I’ve seen all day! xD I’ve only watched about 20 Hetalia episodes myself, but, I mean, it’s enough to understand this lil fanfic-y thing. AND I LOVE IT.

    • =D I’m so glad! Thank you! And is Hetalia OK? I mean, it looks awesome, but I have *ducks head* cold feet because I was wondering if it was really inappropriate being MA…?

      • Well, I’m not planning on watching much more of it, there’s a little language and stuff, but I don’t know if it gets really inappropriate later on, and I don’t want to be one to find out. At 15 five-minute episodes in it doesn’t have, like, much of anything gay either, but it has that potential, ya know? So I don’t think I’ll watch more, really.

        • Ah gotcha. Thank ya. And glad you liked it. 🙂

          • Glad I could help. 🙂
            With Hetalia, I find everything clean about it funny, I myself am perfectly fine just finding a picture here or there of a funny quote or something.

          • Ah well. *sigh* Why must TV be so difficult!? >.< Nah, it's fine. Thank ya. 🙂

          • But there wasn’t THAT much unclean. The occasional bad word every now an then.

          • Oh well that’s OK I guess. It’s the friendshurtingotherfriends and reallybadgoreetc and gay stuff I can’t do. *sigh* Maybe when I’m older haha, I may try it out. Jeez, I’m- I still have to watch Free! *slaps self* Stop moving on other fandoms. FOCUSSS.

          • I know what you mean, which is why I decided not to continue. I don’t really like stuff like that. And I know what it’s like to try and stay out of fandoms. It’s hard.

          • I was in the Fairy Tail fandom. Stopped due to someone killing their sister. Was in AoT fandom for a short time; had a bad gut feeling about the show. Later, being an idiot, I watched another episode. Saw why I didn’t; they have no virtue to ‘never leave a man behind’. I really liked Death Note too, but finally decided a man playing god and the whole story making him protagonist… It sucks sometimes, trying to stay out of fandoms. But hey, with God all things are possible. *sigh*. And like, gays every now and then, like a murder suspect in Castle, is OK. But a gay being the main character… I don’t do that. It makes fandoms harder, but it’s usually worth it. ANYWAY. 0-0 Thanks. And sorry about spilling this to you, but finally someone else understands…

          • Hey, I understand entirely! It’s like you find something that could be so cool, and then you find out all of what’s in it, and then you realize it’s something to stay away from. I’ll occasionally come across a bad book, but I’ve found some good series too that I’d reccomend ( Uglies by Scott Westerfield and Legend by Marie Lu)

          • I know! It’s like ”oh wow awesome plot characters- wait.” >.< And yeah, books are a bit worse cuz there are rarely stuff online to warn you so you dive in headfirst and come out like ''oh…'' . But I'll have to check them out! I see you read Ender's Game. *high five* Have you read Ender's Shadow? It's the whole thing from Bean's POV and uncovers a ton! Also, a new book carrying on EG is coming out! 😀

          • I agree with the book thing! It’s hard! It’s like, “This character, I love it and-…oh…wait…nvm.” And I love Ender’s Game! I’ve wanted to get to Ender’s shadow, but I haven’t gotten around to it. I hope to soon! And a new book seems like it’ll be good! 😀

          • I know! X’3 Then you kinda shut it, frown, do an awkward replace it on the shelf thing and think about the bane of your existence… :/ And hehe, what other books do you like? Maybe we could start a small fan club, because for some reasons books don’t have as big fandoms online. >.<

          • (Sorry I took so long to reply, I had to leave and go somewhere without wifi) Yes! The awkward put back on shelf thing! Aha, I’ve done that. I get books from my uncle every year for my Bday, and while in the past most of them have become my all time favorites, the most recent one I opened, started, and then was kinda like “Imma just gonna wait a few years…” Anyway, a book fan clubby thing, yes! So some favorites that aren’t quite popular teen reads: I like Eragon(the first one’s my favorite), Redwall, Uglies, Legend, Inkheart, Etiquette and Espionage, and then some of the classics like The Swiss Family Robinson and stuff like that ^-^ book fandoms should be much bigger online than they are!

          • (Hehe no problem! I had to eat dinner hehe) It’s like; Welp hope no one saw this… I’M A GOOD NOODLE!” Haha sorry… But yep; and I’ve read Eragon! I’ve also red Eldest and half of Brisngr. But nothing impressed me more than Eragon. The rest of the books, no offense to anyone, were kind well, dull. I mean, I could see the twist of Murtagh, but I mean c’mon. Eragon was the best book outta the entire cycle. (Murtagh being my absolute favorite out of all of the characters… And a crush lol). I’ve also read Inkheart, the whole trilogy actually. Cornelia Funke is GOLD. Those books were amazing! I wish I could write like her. And I haven’t read any of the rest; but I shall indeed check them out! And I have a shelf for classics hehe; I loved Robinson Crusoe and Black Beauty. My favorite, seemingly-fandomless books are; The Giver (I haven’t watched the movie yet though), The Lost Books (by Ted Dekker. Ted is so awesome and he’s a Christian so even if stuff get’s a bit PG-13 he knows the good and bad sides), When You Reach Me (best. Mystery. EVER.), Holes, and Icefall. Icefall was awesome, but seems no one has read it. And another classic is The Borrowers. 🙂

          • I didn’t like or dislike Murtagh, really. The other books were interesting enough, but it was dragged out soooo far. I didn’t like the Giver when I was younger, but I didn’t know that it was a quartet of books, so I’ll have to read the rest to decide my actual opinion of them. I WANTED TO BE MEGGIE FOR THE LONGEST TIME. Heck, I still want to be her. I could read all my favorite character out, or I could go into a story and aaah! I liked Robinson Crusoe, but I haven’t read it in a while. I’ve heard the Ted Dekker books are really good, and it’s another one of those books I just haven’t got around to. I haven’t read When You Reach Me, but I like mysteries so I’ll have to check it out. I haven’t read Holes yet, but my brother did. I’ve seen the movie, and I really want to read it. I think I’ve heard of Icefall…not sure. And I LOVED the Borrowers when I was younger, along with Pippi Longstocking and The Phantom Toll-Booth. Oh! Another good book is Seven Daughters and Seven Sons. I really liked the middle east when I was younger, so this was a cool bit of historical fiction for me. We should create a blog or pinterest board or tumblr blog or something of, maybe, book reviews or summaries of less popular books or something.

          • Good, then I can have Murtagh. *evil laugh* Oh, sorry. Yes. It was good. And I recommend those books which you haven’t read. 🙂 And I haven’t read that one! Hmm.. And yeah, we should! See how many other fangirls about books there are… Do you want me to make the Pinterest board or do you want to? I don’t care either way hehe. 🙂 And you have a Tumblr? =D

          • I’ll be sure to read all them! You can create the board. 🙂 I had a tumblr for a while, but never used it, so I deleted it. I can’t even remember what my username was, haha. I might create another one sometime, but I figured I wasted enough time on Pinterest and I didn’t really need another distraction.

          • Haha OK. 🙂 And uh… *peeps up* I’m sorry but I’m lazy right now and I’m kinda busy keeping up with 3 other social boards… Could you make the board? =] I mean I want to join but I don’t feel like keeping up with more people…

          • Haha, I was feeling lazy too, which is why I didn’t offer, but sure, I’ll create it. 😀

          • What would be a good board name??

          • …. OOO BOY. XD Uhm er… Maybe… “Small Fandoms Unite” or “Book Club” or ”Book Fangirl Club” 0-0

          • Those are all good. Or we could always go simple. The Book Board.

          • I hate decisions, so decide whatever 🙂

          • Ugh me too. -.- Uuh weeellll…… *flings self out window* *stands* *returns* How about… Oh my gosh. I;m just gonna make papers and randomly choose. Hold on. 0-0

          • The winner is;…. The Book Board. *stress leaves* WHEW

          • The Book Board it is. I feel the same way about choosing stuff, especially when I’m at someone’s house.
            “Do you want Grilled Cheese or Macaroni?”
            “Uhm, I don’t care, they’re both good.”
            “Well when people say they don’t care it means they really have an opinion and do care, so which do you want?”

            When I was younger my grandma would take me to the dollar store to pick out a toy and it would take an hour for me to decide.

          • And like it’s really hard when you LOVE BOTH GRILLED CHEESE AND MACARONI AND YOU WANT BOTH SO IT’S LIKE…” And hehe, I’ve never had a problem about choosing candy as a kid. (M&MS sorted by color everytime) but NOW… 0-0

          • Yes! And it’s almost like “CAN WE JUST HAVE GRILLED CHEESE WITH MACARONI INSTEAD OF JUST CHEESE SO I DONT HAVE TO DECIDE?” I was a Skittles girl through and through. Sorted by color and then eating down till there were equal amounts of each color, of course. now it’s just: “Well I like this one, but that one I used to like, and then I really liked the blue ones of that, but the red was wierd, and I don’t feel like taffy, but tastes good and-” it’s especially bad if someone else is buying it and they’re ready to go and you’re trying to make a split second decision and it doesn’t work. (Ps. My Pinterest app is glitching so I’ll have to wait til I can get to a computer so I can get the board up)

          • I know! And yeah; MUST EVEN ALL CANDY” but now I rarely buy them. And oh that’s awful; “Hurry!” “OK!” *grabs FunDip* *later realized the dip is chunky* Well OK…
            And that’s OK. 🙂

          • Or The Fandomless Books, but that’s almost depressing.

          • That last one is depressing. No. X’3 Hmm…

          • It kinda has so many episodes that I just skimmed the surface before deciding I wouldn’t watch more, so I just really like when there’s lil fun fanfics like this, haha

          • Haha right? Like 5 seasons is a lot, but with short episodes maybe not… And anyway; I can’t watch the 12th Doctor either. First episode of the new Doctor, everyone was watching it with me… And my Mom realized the green lizard lady was gay and she said no. I nearly cried, but looking now, the 12th isn’t much fun looking. My sis’s boyfriend watched more of him and told me that he wasn’t impressed; and he’s a die hard Whovian. He’s watched literally all of the Doctor Who seasons. But anyway; yeah fanfics are fun. 🙂

          • That’s too bad that doctor 12 isn’t so great. I haven’t watched it myself, and I’ve had mixed reviews from my friends too. I’ll content myself with older episodes just fine, I guess.

          • I’m rewatching 11. He is my Doctor. 🙂

          • I like 9,10, & 11, but I think I like 9’s sass the best? But I definitely quote 10 and 11 the most 😀

          • Oh 9 is THEE SASS KINNGGG. 😀 And yep; just go the The Doctor for quotes. 🙂

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