Good good good.

Bad post title I know, but sometimes my charisma of naming leaves me as it points it’s finger at me, laughing.

But this morning at 8:00, or so that’s when us kids got woken up anyway, Grandma and Papa got here! I’m so glad they’re here! After hugs and comparing heights (I am officially taller than Grandma mwuahahaha), coffee went around. I may have gotten some myself. 😉 Kody and I went and woke up Tory, whom brought Rey May. Rey’s so cute! ^-^

Talking. Talking. Then Grandma and everyone else went and looked at RV’s on Mama’s laptop.

I plan on going outside when Papa and Dad go around to look at the land and stuff. ♥

Well, I guess this is it. Our plans will start soon. I’m excited. 🙂 God’s merciful to give me this new chapter in my life.

God bless.


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