2020 was a challenging year. However, there’s no reason to enter 2021 with dread, fear, or defeat. No matter what the future holds, God is in control, and He loves us. He also put us on this earth for a purpose… and nothing can stop His purpose for us. It is a good one. So… plan goals. Make small steps to a better life. Try a new challenge. If anything, 2020 ought have taught us how to cling to that which is good and pursue it.
Those words were my Facebook post and I thought I’d share them here. I’ve already made a list of my goals–so far!–for 2021 and have to admit, it’s even longer than my goal list for 2020! Anyway, let’s get to the post!
Here is a list of pretty great things that happened in 2020…
We moved into the house we built from the ground up. As a family in the past 10+ years, we’ve built three homes and one amazing tiny home.
I had my first ever author event at my local library in February! My local librarians encouraged me a great deal over the years. It has always been a dream of mine to have my book on their shelves… and that happened.
I changed blogs. I moved my website from an old URL I had for 7+ years to a brand new domain! (You are here, ha!)
THE DIVIDED NATION received a 5 star Reader’s Favorite Review.
THE DIVIDED NATION was a semi-finalist in the Alliance Award’s, thanks to readers!
In March’s newsletter, I noted; I’ve written over 170,000 words in 3 months and edited that much at least twice over. So 2020 started off with a huge bang, writing wise. (It ended that way, too.)
In April, I dived into a new pet hobby–aquatic mystery snails. They’ve taken over my life. I have hundreds. So many colors. I love them.
My siblings and I went on a few hikes. Kody is hooked, so our goal is to start vlogging hikes and adventures. Stay tuned.
I published an Infidel Books short story prequel, LOCKDOWN, that helped me deal with the state of the pandemic, ha. It’s super cute and sweet, actually. It’s on Amazon, if you want a fast read.
I completed my YA fantasy, GOLGOTHA.
In July 2020, we bought a new puppy. Dolly is a goldendoodle pup and she’s taken over my life, as well. She’s over 7 months now and will give me total gray hair by the time I’m 20, y’all. She’s a mess but I adore her. Here are some pictures! Baby vs. bigger baby who wants attention!

My brother and I worked with my dad at an auto body shop for about a month together. It was a LOT of fun, and miss is, but I work full time from home now.
I published THE GRIM ALLIANCE. It sat at #1 bestseller for about a month. It has received amazing reviews. It is my first published sequel. I am immensely proud of this novel!
I began pitching GOLGOTHA to presses and agents in spring. I’d like to do a fast shout out to @rfgammonauthor (Instagram handle) for being the biggest reason I actually pitched this novel. In the beginning of 2020/late 2019, I pondered the idea of pitching this fantasy novel… and disregarded the idea. I decided I’d “wait till I was older”. Thanks to my friend’s encouragement and help, I dove in head first. I mean, it was 2020. What was the worst thing that could happen?
In the summer of 2020, I hosted my first Facebook event, the YA Summer Bookfest. It was a big hit!
I signed with my dream press. In July, I signed with Blade of Truth Publishing to release GOLGOTHA in spring 2021. Here’s my celebration post on Instagram. I am blown away by this team’s support, skills, and am so excited to be a part of this press!

THE DIVIDED NATION received an endorsement from The Real Book Spy and was on blog tour, too. Here’s the interview!
I became a Live Action Ambassador. This organization has been a huge blessing to thousands of lives–born and unborn. I’m honored to be a part of sharing the pro-life message. Click here for info.
I was accepted to be a Mitch Rapp Ambassador! Here’s a picture of Dolly and my ARC copy of TOTAL POWER.

In regards of Whispers of Heaven #2, Covenant… I prayed long and hard but felt God lead me to put this novel down, for the time being. I do feel this series will be finished one day but not during this season of time.
We attended a human trafficking awareness rally.
I surpassed 20k in a new project, titled VOID, a YA supernatural dystopian thriller. This novel is on a back burner but I will return to it.
My siblings and I went to #LETUSWORSHIP in Nashville, TN, in October. It was incredible and I firmly believe this movement of bold, fiery worship is a huge act of God. 2020 might have been “terrible” but THOUSANDS of lives would not have found Jesus without this movement, and this movement would not have birthed without the chaos of 2020. God is pretty cool.
I was baptized at the #LETUSWORSHIP gathering in Nashville. So was my brother, and my sister was baptized years ago. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life. The electricity went out multiple times but the crowd of OVER TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE kept singing in Nashville.
I had a birthday on the 30th of October. A bit different than my normal birthday traditions, but still lovely.
Hunting prep with my dad is a huge highlight of my year. I love him.
The Oktoberfest was a bit smaller than usual but still plenty of fun.
We saw Mars in the sky in October. So cool.
I continued to be on staff for Diamonds, an online conference for chronically ill Christians, and agreed to be a speaker for Diamonds 2021 in January.
THE DIVIDED NATION was endorsed by NYT and USA Today bestseller Lt Col USMC H. Rip Rawlings!
For the first time in my life, I voted in the presidential elections. I dreamed of this milestone ever since 2009, so this was a huge deal for me.
We had a precious family Thanksgiving!
I’m not a big gamer, but I had fun this year playing COD with our friend who moved away, and playing Among Us with friends online. (PS, Nick, I’m a way better imposter than you.)
I started writing The Infidel Books #3 and it’s going quite well.
I hosted the Virtual Winter Bookfest in December on Facebook. It was a HUGE hit and I met some great new authors!
I revamped my editing services and these updates launch January 1st, 2021.
2020 was my best editing year yet! Thanks to all of my amazing clients–I hope to see you next year!
I won the family game of dreidel during Hanukkah. (We’re not Jewish but we celebrate Biblical holy days, I wrote about it here!)
I wrote a flash fiction Christmas prequel for The Infidel Books on this blog.
I surpassed 1k followers on Instagram, which was a 2020 goal, and hit over 1.3k.
I hit my newsletter sub goal for the year, too!
THE DIVIDED NATION was gifted to a few people (that I know of) this Christmas, which is another author goal of mine, ha!
During 2020, I also drew ever closer to the Lord, challenged myself in many personal areas, and I’m so grateful for God. Every blessing is from Him and I pray my life is a continual example of His love. To God be the glory!
Tell me a few of YOUR 2020 accomplishments and 2021 goals below!
God bless,
This is amazing Angela. My goals for 2020 included mostly just getting closer to God this year. I had no intention of starting a new story, but the one I was previously working on wasn’t working so I placed it in the back-burner. Nearing end of July, God inspired me for a completely different story and that’s the one I’ve been focused on.
It has been going so well and I’ve seen how God has actually used this story to highlight a lot of things I didn’t know about myself (which is awesome.) As I’m nearing the climax of the story, it’s amazing to see how much God has used this pandemic to not only help me draw closer to Him but also delve into a story I didn’t expect but now thoroughly enjoy writing.
I completely relate to this. I am soo excited for your stories, God has a big purpose for your words!
“2020 highlights: I WON DREIDL” I have no idea why that was so funny to me 🤣🤣